Wow, the exact answer I would expect from you hadenuf. I was going to reply something else, but I am not going to and I retract my slander expressed to you.
Yes I am a farmer, a partner of a farm of over 10000 acres. We have no livestock therefore we don't experience the same factors you do with a mixed farm.
There is no quick answer because I have no financial information or data about you or frustrated's farm. If someone claims they have a quick solution there lying, there is way more to the equation.
Yes I offered to help and it would most likely be a lengthy process. I never guaranteed a payout from any program.
You love turning comments around and slamming back in someone's face. I never implied anyone was stupid and because you may have managed your farm different that the rest doesn't make you stupid either. - You are the one that is saying that!
Why is it so hard for you to believe that your financial success, the management of your operation has been the best that it can be or that it could have been better or worse than someone else.
A slight ray of light when you said you should be more concerned about managing your farm. That is your number 1 priority and I wouldn't want to change that. For someone to help, you need to accept that the possibility exists that you maybe can improve numerous area's of your business.
If you can't accept that then maybe like Bombay says, quit the program, quit all programs. If you think the government is going to bail you out you may as forget it. Even if they change the program, the replacement will not solve the problems you express. If you cannot make it on your own, something needs to change and maybe getting out is the solution.
I give up, sorry I ever offered or gave my 2 cents.
Yes I am a farmer, a partner of a farm of over 10000 acres. We have no livestock therefore we don't experience the same factors you do with a mixed farm.
There is no quick answer because I have no financial information or data about you or frustrated's farm. If someone claims they have a quick solution there lying, there is way more to the equation.
Yes I offered to help and it would most likely be a lengthy process. I never guaranteed a payout from any program.
You love turning comments around and slamming back in someone's face. I never implied anyone was stupid and because you may have managed your farm different that the rest doesn't make you stupid either. - You are the one that is saying that!
Why is it so hard for you to believe that your financial success, the management of your operation has been the best that it can be or that it could have been better or worse than someone else.
A slight ray of light when you said you should be more concerned about managing your farm. That is your number 1 priority and I wouldn't want to change that. For someone to help, you need to accept that the possibility exists that you maybe can improve numerous area's of your business.
If you can't accept that then maybe like Bombay says, quit the program, quit all programs. If you think the government is going to bail you out you may as forget it. Even if they change the program, the replacement will not solve the problems you express. If you cannot make it on your own, something needs to change and maybe getting out is the solution.
I give up, sorry I ever offered or gave my 2 cents.