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taxable deductions

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    taxable deductions

    I was just wondering what people get away with as far as tax deductions. Aside from the usual/ normal fuel, fert seed, etc. What other things do you deduct? Does anyone use groceries of any sort, or any of their vacations? I have heard of neighbours doing these kind of things but my accountant says its not doable. Are my neighbours just waiting on a time bomb with an audit or are they justified?

    There is good intel coming out that the fed actually
    lent out 12.5 trillion during the last crisis.

    Some top investment houses are literally cornering
    some markets.

    Historical price ratios between gold-oil-grain have
    us extremely undervalued.

    Nobody is showing up at the bond auctions-
    globaly-investers are realizing there is nowhere to
    run or hide except,tangibles.


      Starting tonight, I'm hoping to see China and other countries in the market, buying the very last old crop stocks, in an attempt to quell and subdue any hungry stomachs they might have in their own countries, "the ones" needed to start riots and political turmoil.
      Disappointed with Friday close on MGE Wheat, hope it was profit taking and uncertainty on a Friday afternoon. Looking to see a big turn around there next week.
      USD up big, and still crude up 3-2.5, but Bean oil off and canola flat?


        Don't cheat and sleep well at night.

        I know a farmer who lost a large portion of his farm after an audit.

        Cheating is not worth the risk in my opinion. Render unto Caesar and all.


          I agree with FarmRanger. Keep it honest. Getting too creative with deductions can sink the farm. I always try to ensure if I am audited that Revenue Canada will owe me money, not the other way around.

          Something that is completely honest and some may not know about is since 2009 you can defer tax on some sales of livestock if you were in an area designated as having excess moisture. Previously deferrals were available to areas affected by drought only. These designated regions are at:



            Tom,Pars,Charlie and et all,a few years back i
            proposed to you folks a reverse tech analysis to cwb
            sales and never received a response.

            Now that you guys are slowly coming to grips with the
            way things work,are you still interested on the
            subject,or is this not interesting to you?


              Set the table. I'm coming for an idea- snack. We'll see what kind of cook you are. lol Pars


                <p><strong>[URL="http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/perab/members/goolsbee"](This is what incompetence looks like.)[/URL]</strong></p>


                  The US financial crisis and commodities and the dollar are all linked. like it or not.
                  here is a very good account by a canadian on what happened and what may come.



                    <p><strong>[URL="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/ambroseevans_pritchard/8291470/Egypt-and-Tunisia-usher-in-the-new-era-of-global-food-revolutions.html"](The good thing is we can feed ourselves!)[/URL]</strong></p>


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