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    Interesting that you bring up Quebec.

    Imagine if the rest of Canada decided they did not need their language rights and where we would be today.

    In other words lets say Canada (the cwb) ignored the rights of the minority (quebec/those that want marketing freedom).

    Just for some perspective. Its not right to ignore the rights of the minority in a country like Canada.



      What we are trying to do is not read something else into it, but rather get you folks to read what the section actually says and what Justice Campbell actually said. Tougher than it sounds.

      "47.1 The Minister shall not cause to be introduced in Parliament a bill that would exclude any kind, type, class or grade of wheat or barley, or wheat or barley produced in any area in Canada, from the provisions of Part IV, either in whole or in part, or generally....unless
      (a) the Minister has consulted with the board about the exclusion or extension; and
      (b) the producers of the grain have voted in favour of the exclusion or extension, the voting process having been determined by the Minister."

      So, you cannot introduce a Bill into Parliament that would exclude wheat or barley from the provisions of Part IV of the CWB Act without a vote on the matter by the "producers of the grain."

      Seems pretty obvious that a Bill that repeals the entire CWB Act takes both wheat and barley out of the provisions of Part IV of that Act, now doesn't it? Note that section 47.1 says that you cannot INTRODUCE such a Bill without consultation and a vote.

      As Raven wrote:

      "If a statute is neither ultra vires nor contrary to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the courts have no jurisdiction to supervise the
      exercise of legislative power."

      So, Ralph Goodale and the boys prima facie had the right to insert 47.1 into the CWB Act as nobody has yet successfully challenged its validity. According to the law Raven cited, s. 47.1 is binding. Section 47.1 clearly requires one of two techniques be employed before Bill C-18 be introduced so that the introduction of Bill C-18 into Parliament does not violate s. 47.1 and thus offend the Rule of Law.

      1. Repeal section 47.1 as a stand-alone. No grain is being added or subtracted so no consultation or vote is required. Section 47.1 disappears and you are then free to bring in C-18 without consultation or vote; or,

      2. Consult and hold a vote. If the "producers of the grain" vote in favour, go ahead with C-18. Note that the Minister gets to set the terms on the consultation and vote.

      What we have now is a Declaration by the Federal Court that C-18 is in breach of 47.1 (and thus in violation of the Rule of Law). And, oh by the way, it clearly is. What this means as a practical matter is yet to be determined. We've never gone down this particular road as far as I know.

      As Justice Campbell clearly said, Parliament is free to go ahead with C-18; he did not have the jurisdiction, and was not asked, to do anything about it. He was just asked whether C-18 violated the Rule of Law.

      So what? I don't know. We'll have to wait and see.

      This is certainly not a case of Parliament being fettered in changing/repealing existing law. This IS clearly a case of Parliament failing, for whatever reason, to take the easy and obvious procedural steps necessary to avoid the whole issue.

      What do the Courts do when Parliament has been obviously blind, pigheaded or stubborn about a Rule of Law issue? Whack 'em over the head? Overrule Justice Campbell? Better be careful what you wish for there, for if the Rule of Law does not apply that is a can of worms that ought not to be opened.

      For example, we may set the Quebec Referendum sovereignty terms, but Quebec will not be bound by them. After all, they did not sign the Constitution. Be careful how you tread. The obvious can be very dangerous indeed.

      One thing is clear to me, if C-18 results in a demonstrable net loss of income for Western grain producers there is now a cause of action in a class action against the Feds to recover those losses. Not, I think, what Minister Ritz intended but a potential safety net for Western grain producers. You should all be happy about that.

      I doubt there will be losses, so it will likely remain an entertaining afterthought. No telling what other Applications to the Court will follow C-18, however.

      May you live in interesting times.


        How did the judge write a 25 page report
        overnight? Maybe it was already written?



          Sorry about the double post.

          You are absolutely right. My work is about supporting rights, especially minority rights. That is exactly why I am a bit paranoid about the Courts racing to overturn a Rule of Law issue. The Rule of Law is the best guarantee of freedom in Canada. Undercut the Rule of Law and you risk undercutting everything we and our forefathers have worked for.

          Potentially very dangerous stuff.

          Justice Campbell has taken a lot of heat for what many call a political decision, but in fairness he was put in a very difficult position by what appears to be a simple and straightforward question with a simple and straightforward answer, at least on the words of the statute. No place to run on the Bench. You have to work with what you are given.

          I personally admire his guts.



            Only 20 pages on PDF, the rest is style of cause, listing of counsel, etc.

            Of those 20 pages, approximately 13 pages are quotes. About seven pages of actual words written by Justice Campbell in a 24 hour period. Given that it is commonplace to provide the judge with an electronic version of your argument, he may have cut and pasted some of that as well.

            Plus, he would have read all the material submitted by the parties well in advance of walking into the Courtroom.


              thanks for adding your opinions to this list. It is apparent you are knowledgeable and are willing to look at any situation from all angles. Given your willingess to contribute factually rather than retorically as most posters do I hope you continue to post as it may encourage me to follow this forum on a more regular basis.
              I too admire Justice Campbell for having the backbone to rule on the law rather than taking the easy way out and submitting to public and political pressure. The law, whether right or wrong, was clear and he ruled appropriately on it. And he did not overstep his authority by placing an injunction and in fact warned the parties that his declaration may have little effect on the course of passage of Bill C-18. We need more Justices like Campbell rather than politicizing the bench.



                I see what you mean about the Rule of Law.
                What are your thoughts on the 2004 ruling by J.
                Roleau in Ontario, where the CTF argued that the
                Ontario government broke the law by not holding
                a referendum on the same "manner and form"
                argument put forward by the Friends of the CWB.  

                From him ruling:

                [47] Nothing in the Act suggests that a
                referendum is required before the Act can be
                amended even if this amendment creates an
                exception to Section 2(1).  

                [48] ... even if the TPA had contained a provision
                that no exception to the referendum requirement
                contained in Section 2(1) could be enacted
                without the holding of a referendum, this type of
                limit on a legislature’s sovereignty would not be
                [49] The courts will give effect to limits imposed
                on the legislature’s ability to amend its own
                statutes only where they constitute “manner and
                form” requirements. The Supreme Court of
                Canada in the reference Re Canada Assistance
                Plan set out what was necessary in order to
                impose an effective manner and form
                requirement. Applied to the present case the
                following would be required: 
                a) A clear statement of intent by the legislature
                that ... the legislature intended to bind itself or
                restrict the legislative powers of its members; 
                b) It would be contained in a statute that is
                constitutional or quasi-constitutional; and 
                c) The statute would specify the manner and
                form to be followed by the legislature itself to
                effect the amendments. It would not remit the
                decision to an entity not forming part of the
                legislative structure.  

                It seems to me that all these factors apply to the
                CWB Act.  How is it that the rule of law was not an
                issue in the Ontario case but it is here?


                  jdepape: You are just another SORE LOSER. Get over it...Judge Campbell made a very good call on this one and nobody should condemn him for any part of it.

                  You'll get your precious "marketing freedom" soon so suck it up and WAIT.

                  Ritz got chided for being the incompetent that he is...that probably riles you more than anything. Too bad if the truth hurts.


                    Not sure how I can get my "precious marketing
                    freedom" and be a sore loser at the same time.

                    Legal wranglings don't usually interest me but I
                    find this one fascinating. One one side we have
                    the "rule of law" and on the other we have the
                    "supremacy of parliament".

                    How can you not be intrigued?


                      Not sure how I can get my "precious marketing
                      freedom" and be a sore loser at the same time.

                      Legal wranglings don't usually interest me but I
                      find this one fascinating. One one side we have
                      the "rule of law" and on the other we have the
                      "supremacy of parliament".

                      How can you not be intrigued?


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