So not being political but I waited until others posted and it is CRAP insurance as I have stated on here over and over. Doesn't matter which government but there is an election and why aren't we or the so called farm groups which all have become political pocket puppets saying anything? Some of the stuff that goes on there is so bananas.
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Crop insurance or crap insurance
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Farm has been in it since it became available.
Something like taking care of your land, better to treat it with respect and work with it rather than abuse the system.
Would not count on present level of government subsidy lasting too far into future but own thought is to take advantage of it while it is there.
Just good business.
Insurance is insurance its insurance.
You don't take out home insurance to hope your home burns down. The company is betting you will have that home and pay insurance for 50 years. But some one in your area will loose a home in those 50 years.
Farming if you go out and take insurance to fail you will eventually fail.
Now yes new farmers are penalized with area coverage or they have to take their fathers coverage. But funny if fathers coverage is high they have to take area coverage.
Its a premium you pay to sleep a little easier at night.
Crap insurance isn't a basket like GARS. Its a basket per crop. So if you get hailed out on 5 and have 60 bpa on 5 you probably will get nothing. But you have hail coverage for hail damage and its not a basket.
So again if you have savings or two years of grain stored in bins on the farm don't take it. If you have debt or just a little scared take and pay the premium its a tax deduction.
I had a relative who had the nerve to complain about Crop Insurance when they got a little rough with him, while everyone else in the area was getting base hits or home runs and he continued to strike out at bat. Hmmm? SCIC isn't stupid(supposedly debatable?). If your farming for crop insurance benefits quit while you're ahead. It's not supposed to be profitable.Last edited by farmaholic; Mar 16, 2016, 07:37.
The problem with starting in SCIC is you will have no experience discount and will pay full cost to begin with. (This is what happens in Sask)
After a decade or so you will likely get a 50% discount if you have good success and minimal claims.....ask them for details.
Wall fixed the too wet acres which is now a waste of time money grab, but you have to pay for it built in.
Alberta seeds a month ahead and can decide what they want a month later.
Free ride Wally working for Saskatchewan farmers. lol hahahahha
Canola is $11.22/bu.guys.
I have insured only canola ever. And it's been 4 times in the last 16 years. This year will be one. To get your own yields calculated you just have to insure something that you don't grow. Just to allow program participation without a premium. However, like mentioned this will not help your premium discount.
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