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Is Ag Stability Dead! Our Accountant thinks it is.

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    Is Ag Stability Dead! Our Accountant thinks it is.

    Just had a meeting yesterday at our accountants to go over some other things going on in Ottawa and the conversation turned to Insurance.

    His comments were most farmers did get some thing from Crop insurance on grade factors and loss.

    Guys with crop out a lot harvested more than their production guarantee so what is in the field they might try to get or will burn.

    Private insurance programs were all the rage a few years ago but most after three years working with them have dropped because they didn't pay that much out. If this is the way the Feds and Provincial want farmers to go, I would say were in trouble.

    Most farmers were dropping Ag Stability and even guys who did already pay the fee some were asking for the money back before the April 30th deadline. The main reason most were dropping the Prov?Fed program were the changes from last years budget. Plus the useless audits that date back to Case program. What the workers have nothing to do. Sad what could of been a enhanced crop insurance and drop all the shit is now two programs that really aren't that great.

    We are sticking with Saskcrop insurance but boosted the coverage on Canola to 80% we are still going to use hail insurance up to $200.00 acre but that will depend on what the year is like till June.

    So what are others thinking on insurance.

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    The above hail storm took out crops from Cupar to Top of Fort Quapelle last summer. It can happen in a instant.
    Last edited by SASKFARMER3; Apr 11, 2017, 07:10. Reason: screwed up point

    We remain in it unless I don't make the premium due at the end of April. We aren't in crop insurance but are kinda self insured. So it is a way to cover my ass in case of an outright disaster hits us. It will be inadequate as hell but it will be something. And yes... hail insurance is carried.

    I've said it before, the governments saw the potential huge liability staring them in the face if a widespread disaster struck, so they revamped the program to mitigate their risk.


      I sent the check in March after the notice came. So yes were still in it.


        The death of the Ag-Stab-me-in-the-back program won't be because of farmer's unwilling participation but the government's intentional design..... the program didn't have to be lucrative but it should have at least been adequate.


          Well a big piss off a lot of guys had was the Audits dating back to 2000 and older Really lets check my dads tax return for 1944.

          But at the same time some Companies really figured out the program and abused it.

          Farmers will use a program if it offers some sort of protection and is simple to get their heads around.


            Can remember all the years we stayed in cattle, not so much for the money but in case things went bad again for grain.
            Last few years we got out of cattle and have seen unprecedented grain profit on this farm.
            Think we will stay with Agristability and crop insurance while available and unless something better comes along.


              These programs imo are designed for everyone BUT the actual producer. The way it is right now you have to experience an event that there is no recovering from to qualify. Enough if is enough, I've been out since 14 this game of a dangling carrot is not for me. They sell hope and nothing more. I won't get into the data they have accumulated on us through this pos program.


                Good the sooner Agri Stab is gone the better. Just another tools for the Colonies and BTO's to eliminate the small farmer since the cost of participating in the complex program far outweighs the benefits for the smaller producer. (mainly accounting fees). I would like to see a revenue insurance program set up based on realistic yields for the area and not typical averages in the 1930's. This would eliminate things like quality factors and the like. Simply the price of the various qualities would determine if you get a payout or not. Should be easy to do. Alberta's spring price endorsement is sort of a wonky version but I would like to see yield and price integrated together rather than working separately.


                  This is 3rd year out of Ag Back Stab,( thanks Feds), would not have paid out any way, saving premiums!
                  Crop ins has paid in 2004 on quality and 2010 on quantity. Still received more than premiums since 1985.


                    Too bad the federal government couldn't mitigate the liability of bombardier the same way as farmers.


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