If you've ever been to a National Safety Nets meeting, it's enough to make you gag. CFA, which includes KAP, Wild Rose, etc; fall all over themselves to prove who's the smartest.
What happens is, Finance hands down to Ag how much the budget is. The Ron Bonnett types (Jack Wilkinson clones) then carve out how to apply that money to a farm program.
Never does anyone (but the cattle producers) speak up to say, "This won't work for our producers". The majority just act like Govt lap dogs.
What happens is, Finance hands down to Ag how much the budget is. The Ron Bonnett types (Jack Wilkinson clones) then carve out how to apply that money to a farm program.
Never does anyone (but the cattle producers) speak up to say, "This won't work for our producers". The majority just act like Govt lap dogs.