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    As i am pretty new to the industry i am raising ramboullait basically because my neighbour has been into them for years.I was curious to get any opinions on advantages or dissadvantages of these this breed?

    Likely the best breed in Canada for wool. Currently a well managed flock can easily pay for the shearing costs, plus some more. The key is to buy the breeding stock that will max the returns.

    They are a good breed if you have some grass pasture to graze the ewes on. Lambs if born early in the year grow quickly and can be off to market with Suffolks and do very well in the feedlot

    Ewes may not have a high a lambing percentage, unless managed through flushing, and feeding.

    Lots of good herds out there, including many of the Colonies in Alberta (that have sheep)and other flocks in SK and MB


      oh yeah...... keep the flock pure, as crossing them with a domestic sheep to produce replacements, will only give those lambs, a domestic wool value. Though again, it should be a better quality domestic than others.


        Dogpatch-I have lots of grass for them,i also lamb on pasture in may.I like this approach as long as there are no freak storms and we keep a good eye on them while lambing.Was wondering what yours or anyone elses lambing procedure is?


          well then they are both related to Austrailian PM Kevin Rudd, because that is where this online hoax started.( google remus rudd)


            Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree. She discovered that Congressman Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889.. Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.
            The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallow in Montana territory:
            On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription: 'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.' So Judy recently e-mailed Congressman Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle. Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:

            "Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory . His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."


              "BTW.. nothing to do with marketing!"

              It shows there are many people who misrepresent what
              they are doing, why they do, it is what they are doing...

              And there are more folks than just 'politicians' doing

              Getting folks to buy what you are selling... is what
              marketing IS all about... and presentation, is 99
              percent of the sell... with a little supporting evidence
              that APPEARS to back the story.

              Are you a politician Tipsy? I would say so!


                "NOW Thats whats wrong with politics and politicians. Spin every incident,event and happening to suit your needs. Regardless of what really the facts are."

                That's pretty funny Tipsy!


                  Judy seems to be a popular name... just change the
                  last name... Rudd, Harper, whatever is needed.

                  "Brief Analysis
                  The claims in the message are false. Kevin Rudd has
                  no such ancestor and no such "political spin" reply was
                  ever sent. In fact, the message is just one more version
                  of an old joke that has been used to target several
                  public figures in the United States and Canada. The
                  condemned man shown in the gallows photograph, is
                  Tom "Black Jack" Ketchum, a murderer and train robber
                  who was hanged in Clayton, New Mexico in April



                    How "Black Jack" Ketchum was captured and hung...

                    "Ketchum later reported, "I tried a dozen times to
                    mount my horse but was too weak to do it." Weary and
                    dizzy from the pain, he sat down to wait for the posse.
                    Early the next morning as the sun was coming up, a
                    freight train heading from Folsom passed by the
                    robbery scene. A man was seen about 100 yards from
                    the train, waving his hat on the end of his gun, as a
                    signal. When the train was stopped and the conductor
                    and brakeman approached, Black Jack drew a gun on
                    them. The conductor said, "We just came to help you
                    but if this is the way you feel, we will go and leave
                    you." Black Jack responded, "No boys, I am all done,
                    take me in." (In other accounts, Sheriff Saturinino
                    Pinard is credited with the arrest). Black Jack was
                    carried to the train, placed in the caboose and taken
                    into Folsom.

                    At first, Black Jack stated that his name was George
                    Stevens and that the would-be robbery was his first
                    attempt at a hold up and a mighty poor one. He was
                    taken on the first passenger train to Trinidad,
                    Colorado and placed in San Rafael Hospital, where his
                    arm was amputated. When he was able to travel, he
                    was taken to Santa Fe for safekeeping. Later, he was
                    transferred to Clayton, New Mexico for trial, where he
                    pled innocent, but the judge found him guilty and
                    sentenced him to death by hanging.

                    The hanging was delayed several times until lawmen
                    heard rumors that the old gang was going to attempt
                    to free Tom. Therefore, a decision was finally made
                    and the hanging was scheduled on April 26, 1901 at
                    8:00 a.m. The hanging was a big attraction with stores
                    closing and saloons remaining open, doing a brisk
                    business. People came from all over the area to see the
                    big event, where the local lawmen were selling tickets
                    to view the hanging, as well as little dolls of Tom
                    hanging on a stick.

                    However, the town of Clayton had no experience in
                    hanging a man and there was a debate concerning the
                    length of rope. The night before the scheduled
                    hanging, the rope was tested by attaching a 200-
                    pound sandbag to the noose and dropping it through
                    the trap. Finally, at 1:13 p.m. Thomas "Black Jack"
                    Ketchum was taken to the scaffold. While they were
                    adjusting the hood, Ketchum stated, "Hurry up boys,
                    get this over with." Finally, Sheriff Garcia took two
                    blows with a hatchet, cutting the rope and Tom fell
                    through the trap.

                    Unfortunately, the inexperienced hangmen had
                    forgotten about the sandbag they had used to test the
                    rope and the weight of it caused the rope to be as rigid
                    as wire. When Black Jack fell through the drop, he was
                    immediately decapitated. The black hood pinned to his
                    shirt was the only thing that kept his head from rolling
                    away. A few minutes later the doctor pronounced him
                    dead, then sewed his head to his torso prior to the
                    burial at the Clayton's Boothill at 2:30 P.M. In the
                    1930's his body was moved to the new cemetery in
                    Clayton, where it remains today.

                    Black Jack Ketchum was the only person ever hanged
                    in Union County, New Mexico. He was also the only
                    person who suffered capital punishment for the
                    offence of "felonious assault upon a railway train" in
                    the State of New Mexico. Later, the law was found to
                    be unconstitutional, but way too late for Thomas
                    Ketchum. According the annals of American
                    Jurisprudence at the time, he was the only criminal
                    decapitated during a judicial hanging in the U.S. The
                    only other recorded example was in England in 1601.
                    Later, the same thing occurred at the hanging of one
                    Eva Dugan at the Pinal County, Arizona prison in

                    Proves crime does not pay!



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