Well, I don't know if I've said but
we picked up 4 dorper ewes to breed
as a project for the kids. We bred
them to start at the end of april.
Now I'm just wondering do you all
just breed once a year or do you
rebreed soon after lambing to try and
get 2 lamb crops per year? I don't
know if that is too hard on the ewes
or not. I would think it would be but
I thought I had heard of guys
breeding that way. I will probably be
asking a lot of questions as if these
turn out good, I might just have to
get more!
we picked up 4 dorper ewes to breed
as a project for the kids. We bred
them to start at the end of april.
Now I'm just wondering do you all
just breed once a year or do you
rebreed soon after lambing to try and
get 2 lamb crops per year? I don't
know if that is too hard on the ewes
or not. I would think it would be but
I thought I had heard of guys
breeding that way. I will probably be
asking a lot of questions as if these
turn out good, I might just have to
get more!