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    Just wondering what others do for a vaccination protocol. Ours got covexin plus twice when they were younger, and a booster before lambing. However, there are six that I bought last fall, who's vaccination history I don't know. They've had the pre lambing shot, but I just don't know if that's all they've had.

    Just in case, I'd like to give the lambs a shot for insurance. How young can this be done? Anybody have any experience with this?


    We do not give the sheep anything other than Tasvax or an 8 way. They get it as lambs - 4 cc at about 12 weeks of age.

    The ewes get a booster of 2 cc once a year - usually about six weeks before lambing.

    Other than that we do not inject anything.

    I happen to live as far east in Ontario where you can still speak English and get by without having to deal with the french - so that geographical factor might be something to consider




      Something else to think on.

      When you look at your lambs and at around 5-10 days one or two seem to have a dirty butt - it is likely the runs from too much milk. We give them 4 cc of Pepto Bismol - works like a charm. Sometimes we have to do it twice to dry them up.

      If you get a lamb that at around one month looks like it might have a bit of bloat - stands with head down and makes a jumping run in the pen and then stops hard - grab it and give it about 4 cc of Milk of Magnesia. Or as a neighbour does - give it about 5 cc of olive oil.

      No, we are not organic folks but this really does work.

      Lambs are fun but you have to observe them closely - they do not always exhibit signs of sickness until too late.

      Best of luck on the lmabs



        Thanks for the info. So far the lambs all seem to be extremely healthy. The oldest is only five days old though, so it's early in the game. I think the fact that there have never been sheep in the yard before goes in my favour too. That, and the fact that I don't have very many of them as well. There are just 13 to lamb, and five have already had their lambs. For first time lambers, I'm impressed with what good mothers they are. I guess I'm just obsessing over details. LOL

        I got my first sheep last year as a batch of pail fed surplus triplets. All survived, and all did well, so maybe being obsessive about the details is a good thing. ;-) Starting with them also took away a lot of the worry over dealing with baby lambs.

        However, I'm still feeling a little guilty about the one who threw himself to the ground and cried like a baby when I put the ring on his tail. LOL What a performance that one put on! The others were much more stoic, so I'm dealing with that job better now.


          Depending upon when you plan to sell them, and where you plan to sell them - you do not always have to ring the boys.

          Our markets like to have the boys "complete".

          So we only ring the keepers.

          Make sure you are below the bare skin on the back side of the tail. A bit too long is better than a bit too short - helps prevent prolapse later in life.

          Have a good one.



            That's the spot I've been going for. I think I got it right. I haven't done the castrating yet. I think I'll talk to our local buyer before I do it. Compared to calves, they are SO little!


              Thanks you guys. What a timely thread. I was just discussing with my
              wife how or when we should be vaccinating. Thanks so much for the
              info, bez!


                I think I was unclear on the ring thing.

                We never castate the boys and we never dock their tails - they leave at around 50 - 70 pounds and most buyers here want them with nothing done to them.

                We use those rings to do the tails as well - but we only ring the girls tails.

                Hope that clears things up

                Best to all



                  Mine will be here until a hundred pounds or so. Talked to my friend the buyer, and he recommended ringing them. So that's what I did. It actually went pretty well. I took my time and made sure to count to two. An hour later, and they were back to their bouncy selves... After, of course, looking for some sympathy first though. LOL


                    Kato, you can do them with Covexin from 2 weeks of
                    age. I always preferred to ring them on day one -
                    same as the calves, the smaller they are the less they
                    feel it.


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