The smaller lambs are from the first-time ewe lambs. My dams are producing the minimum 8lb each twins. Yes, we can lamb right around the calendar. We have been running a natural flock (not separating the rams) and have lambed every five months for the last 3 years. This year we will give the ewes a break since the winter was so harsh. We have not been able to keep their body condition up like we want. Our lambs top out around 75 dressed pounds at about 7 or 8 months old. Not huge, but respectable and with no large quantities of supplement. A little grain once and awhile to keep them coming back to the barnyard.
We also direct farm market our lamb. Our customers also prefer the drug-free, free range, leaner lamb as well. We also market directly to the local grocery store as we can customize size based on their seasonal demand.
The Dorpers give us a relatively maintenace free flock with no shearing. We have not yet found a use for the wool or hair (actually a combo of both) and have not tanned any hides to date. On the list of things to do. Breeding stock is harder to come by here in Manitoba. I would like to acquire a few more registered animals. Currently, my girls are Americans and I really would like to not have to register in the States. So, my current quest is to get some Canadian Dorpers.
If you want (I do not get here as often as I would like), please email me directly
Regards, Jen.
We also direct farm market our lamb. Our customers also prefer the drug-free, free range, leaner lamb as well. We also market directly to the local grocery store as we can customize size based on their seasonal demand.
The Dorpers give us a relatively maintenace free flock with no shearing. We have not yet found a use for the wool or hair (actually a combo of both) and have not tanned any hides to date. On the list of things to do. Breeding stock is harder to come by here in Manitoba. I would like to acquire a few more registered animals. Currently, my girls are Americans and I really would like to not have to register in the States. So, my current quest is to get some Canadian Dorpers.
If you want (I do not get here as often as I would like), please email me directly
Regards, Jen.