I guess everyone is really busy. It can't be that no one has had anything to say for this long 
I am in the middle of my second lambing crop this year. These mamas are Texel cross yearlings that I bought already bred to a Dorper ram. I am really impressed with these lambs. Wow. They are tough, smart and extremely cute. They make lambing out first timers a breeze.
cakadu: The maremmas are maturing nicely and I really like them. They are great with the sheep but they do pounce on the odd chicken. I am cursed to have dogs that are hard on chickens. The maremmas don't bite or TRY to kill them but we have had a few accidental fatalities. They always look contrite. Maybe it is something about my chickens?

I am in the middle of my second lambing crop this year. These mamas are Texel cross yearlings that I bought already bred to a Dorper ram. I am really impressed with these lambs. Wow. They are tough, smart and extremely cute. They make lambing out first timers a breeze.
cakadu: The maremmas are maturing nicely and I really like them. They are great with the sheep but they do pounce on the odd chicken. I am cursed to have dogs that are hard on chickens. The maremmas don't bite or TRY to kill them but we have had a few accidental fatalities. They always look contrite. Maybe it is something about my chickens?