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Saskatoons - Diversifying

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    Saskatoons - Diversifying

    We have a sheltered one acre piece on the farm and have been thinking about Saskatoons. We are not looking for commercial production off the piece but thought it may be good use of a small piece that is otherwise sitting idle.

    The literature suggests very productive yields by year 4. Anyone have direct experience here? We want to make sure we plan accordingly as to when the crop production really does take off.


    Saskatoon’s represent a great potential and a great tool for farm diversification. Full production potential is reached in year 4 or 5.
    I am curious to know what province you are from.
    Good luck!!!


      We are farming in Manitoba. I've been checking out websites and government information. However, nothing states about the quantity of the early years production. We used to have an apple orchard in Ontario and the trees started producing 2 years ahead of when "production" was stated to start - I realize they are quoting substantial production. However, the early years provide an excellent opportunity to plan and try some early marketing.

      We like the look of Saskatoons and we have a local bee farmer interested in having his bees in our orchard. Anyway, I would love to find out about the early years.


        Although Saskatoons are a relatively minor crop here in Nova Scotia we have had some experience that I think is of value, if you expect to achieve productive yields by year 4. We have had growers achieve good production as early as year 3 and we have growers that still have not achieved acceptable levels ten years after transplanting. The key factor seems to be whether or not good weed control was maintained, particularly in the establishment years. Keep in mind that the transplants are quite small and are quickly suppressed and out-competed by weeds if the latter are not controlled. The next thing you know you have missing plants and the ones that remain never seem to achieve the vigour and growth they would have had if they had gotten off to a better start.

        So, how do you ensure good weed control? I would encourage you to properly prepare the site by using a non-residual herbicide like glyphosate (Round-up, etc) prior to tillage to eliminate perennial weeds such as quackgrass. Following transplanting you should be vigilant in maintaining good weed control. As residual herbicides are not generally recommended until the orchard is well-established this means manual weed control is required, or alternatives such as plastic mulch, or use of organic mulches like sawdust. If first and second year growth is good you may be able to use a low rate of Casoron in the fall of the second year.

        Other factors you should pay careful attention to are soil moisture and fertility. I would encourage you to soil test your site and obtain suitable recommendations for fertility amendments both prior to and subsequent to transplanting. Also, Saskatoons are quite susceptible to transplant shock and although some root growth should be expected in the first season, significant shoot growth normally does not occur until the second season. Finally, well-drained soils are required for good Saskatoon production but it is equally important that adequate soil moisture is maintained during the growing season. With adequate fertility, soil moisture and weed control in place you will be well on your way to excellent production as early as year 4.

        I hope this is helpful.


          Yes, this helps - thanks!

          The land is well drained and we have a water source nearby if we need to irrigate (especially in the beginning). I plan on getting the soil tested this spring.

          Our big concern at this point is protecting the seedlings from the deer in the area. Any deterents that anyone knows of?


            I suggest you find a local grower and talk about blight and how to capitalize on the growing season. The nasty blight can turn a crop of berries into rock hard little walnuts in no time at all. Mb. is great for skatoons but also as a result great for skatoon diseases!


              Our growers tend to use a single wire electric fence baited with peanut butter wrapped in tin foil and attached to the wire so that when the deer ginderly stick its tongue out for a lick - zapp! This obviously isn't the most humane deterent although apparently there is no long-term negative effects on the deer. I have also heard of placing soap bars around the periphery of the field. The odor tends to repel the deer. Other commercial deterents can be reviewed at http://www.bugspray.com/articles99/deer.html


                a shotgun works well!


                  Thanks everyone!

                  There are two local producers but both small operations as well. Both are spraying when necessary and the local Ag office has provided me with some good info here.

                  The peanut butter in tinfoil sounds like a good one. No long term effects to the deer and less trouble than other baits. One to keep in mind. Ssshhh cowman, we wouldn't want the environmentalists knowing about that one! LOL!


                    I have heard that hanging orange peels on the trees or spraying them with one of these new "orange" cleaning products is a very effective deterent for deer.


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