yesterday afternoon about an hour after hurshes colum on the radio about equiptment going down for the weekend this happened on my 9650
A bearing on the shoe auger went out
This bearing has a sticker in it saying 400hrs. the mecanic at JD says I sould be doing it every day. I do it probably once a week and if I miss it it would get it the next week still 200 hrs before it sould need it.
What do I do?
who do I hold responable for this BS myself because I did not ignore the engineers, or the engineers at JD for overselling a product.
A bearing on the shoe auger went out
This bearing has a sticker in it saying 400hrs. the mecanic at JD says I sould be doing it every day. I do it probably once a week and if I miss it it would get it the next week still 200 hrs before it sould need it.
What do I do?
who do I hold responable for this BS myself because I did not ignore the engineers, or the engineers at JD for overselling a product.