We use the Gates coulter harrow now on 80% of our acres in the fall .
Very happy with the job it does after all crops . Very versatile unit . When wet we run the coulters deeper and back off on the harrows . When dryer I run the coulters shallower and use the harrows more aggressive.
Covers acres fast . We pull at 13-14 mph and can cover about 100 AC/hr.
To fill ruts though you have to hit those areas twice .
Very happy with the job it does after all crops . Very versatile unit . When wet we run the coulters deeper and back off on the harrows . When dryer I run the coulters shallower and use the harrows more aggressive.
Covers acres fast . We pull at 13-14 mph and can cover about 100 AC/hr.
To fill ruts though you have to hit those areas twice .