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You guys combining i would give you half

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    You guys combining i would give you half

    Temps expected for my ranch xmas day 41c and boxing day 43c would you guys like half to keep combining and we will take other half to keep combining?

    ps my take on weather is actually storms and wet see whos right experts or the idiot.......

    pps were not actually harvesting on xmas or boxing day was a rhetorical question.

    cheers guys
    Last edited by malleefarmer; Dec 18, 2016, 18:56.

    I can't speak for the guys still trying to combine in Canada but I would think plus twenty degrees for a couple of days would only make everything "wet rag" tough. People say it's better to go when everything is frozen....since I've never had to....what temp works best for combining with/without snow in the crop?


      Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
      I can't speak for the guys still trying to combine in Canada but I would think plus twenty degrees for a couple of days would only make everything "wet rag" tough. People say it's better to go when everything is frozen....since I've never had to....what temp works best for combining with/without snow in the crop?
      maybe the 43 then farma


        ....that would give the global warming alarmists something to talk about!


          Justin would TAX us 100% tomorrow! But seriously how is it to harvest at 43C? We will never know in Canada! 30c is max. Thinking 0% Moisture test, HOT grain.


            Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
            I can't speak for the guys still trying to combine in Canada but I would think plus twenty degrees for a couple of days would only make everything "wet rag" tough. People say it's better to go when everything is frozen....since I've never had to....what temp works best for combining with/without snow in the crop?
            I think the fat lady has already completed all her encores.

            In late April early May when it's 43 Fahrenheit and windy the grain and ground hopefully will be ready again.


              I can't imagine having the luxury of turning down two prime harvest days. Around here, 2 might be all we get. Haven even needed AC in the last two harvests but have used heaters more often than not. I can't even imagine combining at those temperatures.


                Well , maybe you did malle, it warm up about 35 c here in the past 48 hrs - thx !


                  Same, warming up here. Whoever offered up the crazy wind though could take it back. Not required here


                    we have a harvesting code of conduct not law but more common sense and view as correct procedure by insurance companies.

                    https://safecom-files.s3.amazonaws.com/current%2Fdocs%2Fgrain_harvesting_code_of_practice _sticker.pdf?Expires=1482185654&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3Dgrain_harvestin g_code_of_practice_sticker.pdf&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIA JQ4Q62CAGOAFH3RA&Signature=9P1Y5XROhUGY6XvwOy8gMWo rlCM%3D

                    Yesterday for instance was 38c with a howling northerly we ceased harvesting at 1 pm and renetered field at 6 pm when winds eased and temps dropped back to around 29.

                    In west Australia they have harvest bans law and announced the evening before not allowed in paddock after 9 am and cannot reneter until announced often midnight on extreme days.

                    But a day of 40 and dead calm is ok.

                    A 800l fire fighter is in paddock at all times that is law.


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