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Planter / drill

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    Originally posted by tweety View Post

    Absolutely its great to post "new" ideas, but the corn planter with canola idea has yet to show a benefit. Trend or not. Once flea beetles take a pound, frost another pound, cutworms another pound, that 2 pounds of seed you saved looks pretty expensive. Let alone the additional passes you need to make to fertilize, the disturbance, the erosion, moisture loss, the eq time, the....

    There is definitely merit to this quote. If you consider tweety the Devil, I guess I'm playing Devil's Advocate on this one. But its hard to argue against the results in the pictures furrow....still impressive.


      Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
      There is definitely merit to this quote. If you consider tweety the Devil, I guess I'm playing Devil's Advocate on this one. But its hard to argue against the results in the pictures furrow....still impressive.
      but .... if you seed 4.2 pounds and only half grows you still only have 2.1 pounds to work with . it is irrelevant ???


        Case. But tweety's point is you're only starting with 2.1 lbs. ...not alot of room for peril loses.


          If you are first running your seed through an auger to fill your tank. Then bouncing it off at least a couple dead end manifold towers. Then dropping it into the furrow and with the front gang and having the next two openers through some extra soil on top and then a packer....you need to seed at least 5lb. to the acre depending on your tkw.

          The argument of needing to seed higher rates because of flea beetles, frost, etc I find mostly irrelevant. We had bad frost in 2015, everybody reseeded (or should have). Did not matter what rate they seeded at. Same with bugs. If they are bad enough, they eat everything. That's my observation anyway.

          I have also seen JD planter vs. FC5000 side by side canola trial. The conditions were wet to muddy and the plant establishment on the planter was terrible compared to the old Flexi-coil. I don't know what the final yield was though.


            Very good points Jay - mo. There is no silver bullet for anything, and never will be.


              Different soils and climate do better with varying seeding apparatus. History has taught us some lessons about the particular perils of flat land gumbo and dry spring conditions.

              During the " dirty thirties" a lot of the topsoil blew away. Farmers were seeding with double disc press drills on pre-harrow-disced summerfallow. Consequently the very fine light soil particles were left on the surface and wind erosion was the result. In a couple of windy days the crop was cut right off by flying dirt. Southern Sask Ag then adopted the 24 inch one-way disc, average length of 9 feet. The seeder box held about 10 bushels of wheat. The heavy disc pulled up lumps to stop the blowing. Then from farmers' workshops came 15,18 and 20 foot long discers with18-20 inch dished discs on 6 inch spacing with mounted seed and fertilizer boxes. Producers devised ways to hook them together and four wheel drive tractors pulled 75 feet at our farm. In the 60's Jerome Bechard, with the use of a tow-behind tank and fan invented the air seeder on cultivator shovels. Various adaptations have been made to that idea. Lately the push has been to narrower and narrower openers until today we are seeing single disc openers that leave the fine dust on top - smooth and loose. The use of these drlls on light lentil stubble offers nothing to hold the soil down. This year we have witnessed the worst blowing that we have seen in our farming career. The spring rains never came until June 13 and May was hot and windy. Now many farmers have a pile of work trying to repair the damage to crops, fields and our beautiful drainage projects. So the wheels on the bus do go round and round. Man does not from history. High speed discing may be ok in other soil and weather conditions, but here in the Wascana Flats it can be very dangerous. I am interested in how Agrivillers feel about the evolution of seeding equipment and can only speak to gumbo conditions. MHO


                Originally posted by farmaholic View Post
                Case. But tweety's point is you're only starting with 2.1 lbs. ...not alot of room for peril loses.
                half the drills in the country will be lucky if half the seed grows this year so your back to square 1 .....


                  20 year old 5710 worth near ZERO...seeded at 4.2 lbs/acreClick image for larger version

Name:	005.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	96.7 KB
ID:	765586


                    Originally posted by fjlip View Post
                    20 year old 5710 worth near ZERO...seeded at 4.2 lbs/acre[ATTACH]1555[/ATTACH]
                    looks good fj , but probably worth more than our morris maxim . bourgault has better resale , lol


                      As of today, for those interested..
                      Here is our terrible, shitty canola seeded with our Bourgault.....4.7 lbs

                      And the canola with planter ... 2 lbs

                      Seeded same day .
                      Not saying the planter is the end all be all , just interesting at this point


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