I have some harvesting left to do yet, mostly canola and wheat. I am thinking about buying supplemental heat to use with my natural air drying system. I see you can buy systems with little bits of heat that add 100,000 btu's all the way up to monster systems that add 300-500,000 btu's. The big heat salesmen claim you can dry 4% points off in 4 days.
Any one have any experience with either route, good or bad? Would the higher heat systems work in early september to dry 4% points off wheat in 3-4 days or would the 100 degree farenheight air 24 hours day in early september be too hot and the grain would sprout before it would dry?
Any one have any experience with either route, good or bad? Would the higher heat systems work in early september to dry 4% points off wheat in 3-4 days or would the 100 degree farenheight air 24 hours day in early september be too hot and the grain would sprout before it would dry?