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    Lakenheath, I was just wondering if you run just the one 2388 on 4000 acres?

    Also don't be so modest. You talk like 4000 acres is just a walk in the park.

    Yes, we run just the one 2388 on 4000 acres.


      The reason I ask is that I assume you must be in Southern Sask. I'm in NE Sask, and there is no way we I could get that many acres out of my combines.

      We run 7500 acres, and have 2 2388's, and a 2188. I wouldn't want any less combine than what I have.

      Just curious how many harvest days you get in the fall, on average?

      I've have cousins around the province that do more acres/machine than me too. I've one cousin in particular that runs 4000 acres on a 1995 JD 9500.

      I wonder some times if I do something wrong??


        We farm in two different worlds. Is not out of the ordinary for us to start combining peas in the first week in August, then move on to lentils in late August and start in on our cereals in Mid September. If conditions are right we can combine around the clock. Obviously some years are wetter then others and we can't start combining until the dew is gone in the morning and the later it gets in the year the shorter the combining days.

        But I know up North, the window for combining is shorter and the hours of combining in a day are shorter.

        My father-in-law farms just over 300 acres and takes it off with a 9500 John Deere in very good time.

        The wetter years we will bring in a custom combiner if we are falling behind. But since we have had the 2388 we have done it all on our own.


          We farm in Southwest Saskatchewan.


            It was a good harvest,I farm a hour north of Regina. Took off 2900 acres
            with a 1996 JD 9500. Started the peas Aug. 6 and finished with flax on Oct.


              You can't knock those 9500's. They just keep going and going. They are a good combine.


                You are right,last year was my second year with it and I had 2 or 3 breakdowns that cost me a day in total.

                But the first year I had it I took off 2400
                acres with it and it never stopped. I fixed a couple minor things at nite
                but that combine never stopped in the field.

                If I could afford a JD 9650 or 9660 I would not be scared of 4000 acres or more.

                Same as your 2388 4000 ac should be breeze unless the weather screws with you.


                  Caseman is there some acres left in the field around your area? There is here , usually larger farmers trying to make due with one or two combines too many acres.
                  I took a trip to saskatoon to look at CaseIH new equiptment and funny the guys that did not get their crop off were the 8010 owners.


                    All acres off around my area.

                    I know of a farmer south of me that ran 2 8010 in 2005. This year he went back to 2388.


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