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And speaking of junk science.

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    And speaking of junk science.

    Grain Growers work to reverse Bill C-474 decision at Ag Committee
    The Grain Growers of Canada are asking to be called as witnesses to testify at committee on Bill C-474, an NDP private member’s bill which would have harsh effects for Canadian farmers.
    The bill, which would change seed regulations to make it more difficult for Canadian farmers to buy new plant technologies, passed second reading on Wednesday with support from the NDP, Bloc Québécois, Liberals and two Conservatives.
    The bill is now headed to Parliament’s Standing Committee on Agriculture where witnesses will be called to testify.
    Current seed regulations require years of extensive testing of new plant technologies and are based on solid principles of sound science. The NDP private member’s bill would encourage rejection of environmentally friendly new crops.
    “The NDP are simply ideologically opposed to genetically modified foods,” said Doug Robertson, President of the Grain Growers of Canada. “Without any credible scientific ground to stand on, their argument is based on unsubstantiated, fear-based claims.”
    The Liberals have made it clear that they want to have a discussion about genetically modified foods at committee. They have a long history of supporting sound science and approving new plant technologies.
    “Farmers rely heavily on new technologies to produce crops that are healthier for consumers, more environmentally friendly with less pesticides, and put more dollars in our pockets,” said Robertson. “This well meaning, but poorly conceived bill ignores the fact that farmers have overwhelmingly adopted these new crops.”
    “We are confident that once the Committee hears from real farmers, this legislation will be defeated,” said Robertson.
    The Grain Growers of Canada represent over 80,000 successful farmers through its membership organizations who grow wheat, oats, barley, canola, corn, peas, lentils and triticale.
    For more information:
    Doug Robertson, President - Grain Growers of Canada, 403-819-8372 (cell)
    Richard Phillips, Executive Director – Grain Growers of Canada, 613-875-1795

    Vote was 153 to 139 - I hear 2 Conservatives stood to support it.
    Anyone know which two, they might need a call?

    A few Liberals did not vote. Every time I think that the Liberals might start to listen to rural Canada, they pull a stunt like this.


      "farmers have overwhelmingly adopted these crops" said Robertson.

      Dandy. You want em? You got em and all their warts, too, it looks like.

      I repeat the question, WHO PAYS?

      If the organic market is going to be decimated by unintended consequences: WHO PAYS?

      charliep admits organics will get prob get trashed:

      " As long as organic uses conventional bred seed, it you are at the mercy of what ever decisions are made in the about biotechnology and plant breeding. Even the current issues about adventitious presence of GE in crops and better testing processes/tight tolerances put your industry at risk. The question will be how the organic industry responds."

      In other words, farming next to GM farmers will destroy the purity of organics. Buyers don't pay for contaminated grain. It will destroy the market.

      Uh huh.

      So....WHO PAYS for that loss? Organics has buyers, contracts, customers, markets, stores stocked, and all of a sudden we are infected with GM Aids from cross-pollination of which we have no control...so who pays?

      There will be/is a loss, I'm sure of that we can agree.. Want to calculate the organic tab?

      By fighting this bill, what you are saying, is that FARMERS themslves will bear the cost of loss. And there will be a loss.

      Governments can then comfortably stepback and say, "Farmers didn't want any regulatory eye over unintended consequences.

      Do farmers really want to bear the loss-responsibility themselves?

      Farmers were more than accepting, almost to the point of accomodating, to pick up the cost of testing for someone's elses's flax plant property rights...no protest. Just pay.

      So, do I presume farmers will also be willingly keen to pay the cost of market-loss due to an estrogen gene some scienced-owner-whacko plunked into a HRSW that crossed in a field and ruined/resulted in an organic shipload being rejected in Germany?

      How would the invoice be best forwarded? Microsoft Excell to the Grain Growers of Canada?

      I am enjoying a little burst of spring vigor today. Pars


        By the way Gusty, since Biotech companies now OWN their patented plants,and the benefits thereof that accrue from that ownership, would you support legislation that stipulates that they must also own the consequences and liabilities that flow from ownership?

        That would solve the problem nicely, wouldn't it?


          I'll make sure and send some MP's some info:

          http://www2.parl.gc.ca/HouseChamberBusiness/ChamberVoteDetail.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&Parl=40&S es=3&FltrParl=40&FltrSes=3&Vote=24


            So how much money are the organic growers going to fork over for denying everyone else the ability to grow newer better crops?


              Have you been denied?


                maybe the glyphosate junkies should compensate organic producers for having to establish a buffer strip agains their practices. it's the organic producers who are being denied use and enjoyment of their property.


                  Seems to me the gene junkies screwed up an entire export flax market. In 22 countries is a prime-time #$@%- up. And future markets. And reputation.

                  And who should pay?


                    Got nice and hammered with canadas largest organic
                    farmers last night,do you know them Pars?


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