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Bubble Boy Speaks

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    Bucket read my post.Harper had the highest spending BEFORE the stimulus spending

    Another Point, no economist (except one who wants to get power) would have ever CUT their revenues by cutting the GST. That cut billions out of the revenue stream and put us immediately in the RED


      Would be too bad if we had the law as we know it in Canada replaced with another.

      I have an idea or two bucket et al if you can spare 15 minutes per day. And as you well know, ask cott, confidentiality is final.



        And putine said the gst would be gone! Yet he didn't touch it. Harper ran on lowiering it from 7 to 6 to 5%, he did it, and you complain about it???? Who ARE you voting for then? You can't vote conservative, because Harper lowered the gst, you can't vote liberal, because Chretien didn't touch it. That leaves ndp or green. Which is it then? The communists with lenin, or the uber communists with bucky the beaver?



          I thought she was a chipmunk?


            No, she slapped her tail at the last debates when Mr. Harper calmly listened to her screeching, and didn't react as she had hoped. In a panic of course.

            I will vote for a con majority. If the cons don't do as they say they will regarding the cwb and gun registry etc. They won't get my vote necessarily next time. I am buying right now that they have been strapped by their minority position. If they refuse to act conservative after a majority, we can draw conclusions. Until then, they get the benefit of the doubt from me.

            On the ctv website today they talk of image. Of course harper gets the lowest marks. No talk of iggy's blue sweater, fake smile, or bushy eyebrows, just harpers sweater from 2006!! No talk of May's fixable chompers, her chubby rodnetlike look laytons bald little lenin-like beak, His beady little lying eyes. Nope, just harpers lego hair, and his sweater from 2006. No bias there.

            I went to the con website last night. there is a pic of harper with Laureen on the bus, sharing a quiet moment together. She is leaning on him texting or something, he has his arms around her. A great picture, of a great PM. My wife almost got tears in her eyes, after all the harper bashing, and the fact here we have a pm with young kids, a pm who snuggles with his wife, for the first time since... Well I don't think it has happened before.


              "So why didn't he do this the last 4 years if it was so easy"

              Good question mustard. I would like to hear harper's answer.


                Lifer, I or anyone with even half a brain can answer for harper. It is called a MINORITY government. With the lefties all scared of imprisoning criminals, letting farmers have guns, letting farmers market their own produce, how in heck can he govern normally. He is handcuffed by the socialists on the left.

                Google Minority if you really purport to not know why he is handcuffed.



                  Insulting me about having half a brain and then coming back with the minority arguement. Interesting.

                  What kind of cuts are Mr. Harper looking at? Why can't he just say what they are?

                  He lost credibility in his handling of the CWB issue.

                  He did go through with his GST promise. How'd he do that in a minority?


                    Because no opposition parties wanted to fight an election over it. It would have been political suicide.

                    And so would the cwb issue if it was a major campaign issue. No one down east wants the cwb across canada. The debate would end if every canadian farmer had the cwb anywhere near their farm.


                      Hey lifer, I mean no offence at all. I know you know about minority government, I'm just proving my point. You are a smart guy, just missing the issue I think, as are many... I agree they screwed up the cwb issue, they could have made it a confidence measure a few times, but did not. With a majority, I have faith they will free us. If not, as I said before, It is separation all the way for this cowboy!!!


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