Got it, but I am guessing you suggest we not supply the bio fuel market. As a grain producer of the past and preseant we really have not made much profit if any selling to you cattle guys. Also I dissagree with your view of industrial ag.
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No, I didn't use the wrong word - "outwith" or
"without" are interchangeable in the context. I didn't
say or imply anything about bio-fuels in the thread,
thats a different and separate issue.
Mallee your right many people do equate GM with herbicide resistance.
Although as I understand in the past it was because canola was easy to change to use Roundup on. It was a non selective herbicide with a history of use over millions of acres with zero side effects. (that part still holds true.)
Now in cereals it's many of the same traits that we see in other crops. Tolerance to disease, insect resistance, frost/drought tolerance. All traits to improve yield stability.
I know that GM fusarium tolerant wheat is sitting on a shelf, waiting for market acceptance. Imagine how much less fungicide would be spayed and how much time people would have.
Whomever made the comment above about not growing food for animals missed the point.
While human quality is almost always the target, we need a strong vibrant animal sector for the grain that does not make spec.
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