Malle,oddly enough this graph popped up today,expressing Errol and i's divergengent thoughts,do you agree Errol?
We are really only predicting policy.
As far as cattle,have no time for tech,and now and days it is not as reliable,seeing as how all asset values are manipulated,but if you sell the shit out of them i wouldn't bug you,nice run,maybe not the top but,you got out of the castle with the princess's virginity,i would bug you if you are going to heard liquidate.
We are really only predicting policy.
As far as cattle,have no time for tech,and now and days it is not as reliable,seeing as how all asset values are manipulated,but if you sell the shit out of them i wouldn't bug you,nice run,maybe not the top but,you got out of the castle with the princess's virginity,i would bug you if you are going to heard liquidate.