Yellow meadows. I do not have money to buy a header, or hire it done. Especially now with this frost.
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Rake up for peas?
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If your gonna put the coulters on u need a disc with a ring welded around the disc but on a smaller circumference so the disc only sinks an inch or two into the ground and and hold some of the weight of the header. Will be painfully slow but will work. Good luck!
See if you can find a Sund pickup. Go to their web site and see how they have coulters specifically for peas. There used to be many around, up to 30 feet. peas need to be totally dead, so they break off at ground level. Leaves all the rocks and green weeds behind. A Rakeup may be similar.
What is your estimated yield? Will have a bearing on what you can afford. I am afraid your going to destroy your good working rakeup pickup. Bats are not cheap. Lots of down time. Plus the shelling. Plus a ****ed up rake up. Anyone around Willing to crop share the harvest do the work and share the crop? Just a suggestion.
With all due respect Freewheat, you cant afford to leave a $300/ac to $350/ac crop in the field instead of buying a $10,000 1020 flex (just guessing on price). We have had a couple of them and they are great headers. If that doesnt work hire it done. Its not an expense. To mess around and use a rakeup is the wrong move. Been there done that.
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