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Speaking of the CWB

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    Theresa Spence was not part of Idle No More and as far as I know received no comment from the NFU. Idle No More tried to get native people involved in the world. How is that bad?


      Some died in the wool NFU and wheat board supporters continue to heap abuse on the Harper government and minister Ritz for ending the monopoly.
      The fact is that a Liberal or NDP government would have been under international pressure to do something to conform with trade rules.
      Remember the board campaign against a new WTO agreement that threatened it.
      Likely easier for this government to end the monopoly but it did the right thing from a trade perspective.
      Whether we want to keep the board around in some form is another question.



        " Idle No More tried to get native people involved in the world. How is that bad?"

        Illegally blockading highways and rail, involving native people to take advantage of our 'law enforcement's" refusal to apply the laws of Canada that apply to everyone else... How was this bad? You are truly Obvious... CptObvious....


          Ritz has cost me tens of thousands of dollars. Why would I not chastise the little turd?
          The CWB has been under pressure from foreign business interests for forty years. The courts have shown it to be a fair trader over a dozen times and responsible governments in the past have ignored the pressure( at no cost).
          And the trade 'deals' the Cons have wrought? All the gains the Cons are bragging about are illusory. More beef to Europe? So what, we only export about half of our limit now. Increased GDP with CETA? Only if, as in the computer model the Cons used, Canada magically reaches 100% employment and the Europeans never increase production to serve their own market. And what sane person would sign a deal with China to gives their corporate interests authority over our own laws for a minimum of 31 years.
          You knew, of course, that under Harper Canada's long standing international trade surplus has turned into a deficit.
          The CWB was a single desk marketer. To have it in any other form is not to have it at all.


            Ritz's advisors have been pretty quiet lately.



              "The CWB was a single desk marketer. To have it in any other form is not to have it at all."

              I see prices rise close to a dollar a bushel in October. Good quality wheat is moving... along with Canola, and Peas. Now the CWB can market Canola and Peas as well... and does... providing needed competition. Not having the CWB weigh down wheat prices with a single desk 'mandatory pool' (which was the warped opinion of management.., not the Law of Canada) forced on growers;
              who the vast majority of times during the harvest season only saw prices drop...

              If that was your vision of utopia marketing.... I am truly happy YOUR single desk CWB is gone... for it was abusive, deceptive, and warped.

              Too bad competition would not become the new 'single desk' at the new CWB... instead of bricks and mortar deceptions. There are many independents that the CWB could facilitate competition through...
              I await the time the CWB steps into this needed marketing role.


                TOM, to quote Shakespeare, you are too cunning to be understood.


                  Tom, that comment about the CWB relying on their competition to help them do business is too funny. You know better than that.

                  "abusive, deceptive and warped....." a perfect description of the current system. But people in denial would never notice. Don't get me wrong, the old system was far from perfect and so is the new system. Not enough "I"s dotted and "t"s crossed way too much haste in "implementing" the open market. Actually was there even a rule book/contractual obligations of the players set out? ****ing free for all..... but that's what everyone wanted, right? Wild West lawless land. No accountability. And then you're blacklisted for voicing displeasure and mentioning uncomfortable truths......


                    I have mentioned to MPs in Ottawa about the current pricing system about the hiding( read stealing) of foreign exchange.

                    One got it right away and the staffer asked " ... is that legal..."

                    The other said he would look into it.

                    The railways get fined basically a buck a tonne. We are currently at 28 a tonne on basis theft. Zero basis is zero fx taken into account.

                    Here another one for you guys that have your head up Ritz's ass ( read TOM ). The fact that CN missed their targets for 5 weeks and pushed moving the grain into the new crop year with a CTA rubber stamped increase in freight rates means that farmers are paying the railway fines through increased freight rates.

                    At the very least there should be a credit on the grain that was to move on the old rate. Plus a fine.

                    Won't happen. TOM is happy to be at the table with Ritz and rah rah his incompetence.

                    Instead marketing gurus say do your homework don't look at published prices and basis, then why say its a zero basis, Its misleading. But everyone does it. Why be transparent.

                    The new system was implemented poorly and the govenment and industry players are in no hurry to change it. Farmers can't and government won't.

                    Good thing we have a minister that says " this government is standing up for farmers...." BULLSHIT.

                    Something simple as taking a moisture test that is to be done clean of dockage can't be enforced by a farmer.


                      Good post Bucket


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