There should be a line drawn to where lentils should be grown, just like chickpeas. Farm for crop insurance, real profitable!! Not sure what coverage there would be when there no prior history. It just costs us all more at the end when disaster hits.
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Pea, Lentil Acreage Could Hit 10 Million, Says AGT
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- Mar 2025
So what would be the potential yellow pea bid be if there was some wrecks between the old crop bid of $14ish and the new crop bids of $9-9.50? Just have an issue with the 30% drop to new crop. I can understand if everyone grows a bumper crop but at the moment it is 50/50 as to what happens. Is india still having weather issues to keep demand up and china being the new top buyer, what are everyone's thoughts?
MBGrower, Yup... and also phos and K... Really felt it with how little fert we hauled all winter (commercially). Probably down a good 40%.
Here's an indicator... CPS' Elstow terminal, from Feb to April usually has 12 to 20 trucks sitting overnight for a morning load. This year, there's 0 to 2.
It may not be fair to dictate what an individual can grow but a program that guarantees profitability growing (non-tradional) crops in areas where they wouldn't stand a chance of being profitable is just flawed.
Where are the actuarials?
Does this send a true signal of your odds Of being successful?
Almost sounds like a subsidy.
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