In the past I have used the 30 acre rate of heat and .7 litre of RT 540 as a preseed application and I have used it 2 or 3 days after seeding. It seemed to work well. Many of you on here suggest treflan with authority and glyphosate. Are you using granular treflan in the fall? Can you spray the treflan in the spring instead of granular? Could you tank mix all 3, it is not a registered tank mix. What controls volunteer RR canola in this scenario? Any other suggestions?
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Interested in the same thing, furrow has some great info on this. I know you ve shared in the past but I m not sure either you can t spray the treflan post seeding can you?
our program is:
double inoculate and treat seed with intego pulse. Add humalite to the inoculant as it goes onto the seed 1lb/ac
Seed at 3bu/ac with 120 lbs of 11-19.6-19.6-12
Spray authority charge plus gly 2 days after seeding.
spray with Viper plus half rate of odessy at herby timing.
Spray with full rate of acapella at 20% flower.... If an exceptional season (I.E. cool moist long flowering) go back in 2 weeks later with another pass of acapella.
Dessicate with 1l/ac of gly, straight combine, and then get drunk after delivery.
The rack sprayed all the together , (treflan, authority, round up) as a pre burn after seeding and it worked well, but gets a bit pricey.
There was a big difference in yield on the Racks trials from the heat pre burn and authority, but there was a 3/4 in rain after the Chem aplication and emergence . Interesting to see a yield difference in all three locations though.
I like what Klause is doing as well .
Klause.... why do you double inoculate? Do you think it is necessary in which pulses have been a big part of the rotation for a while?
What is humalite and why use it? If it's only applied at a pound per acre could it be mixed with the granular inoculant?
Good thread.
Hamloc, if you using the Authority Charge(box package), the Aim included is what looks after the RR canola, any canola as far as that goes. If your not worried about RR canola on a particular field, simply spray the Authority without the Aim,,,,and then later on a different field, mix the Aim w/ glyphosate and use on virtually any crop,,, cereals, pulses or oilseeds,,, pre emerge, even Invigor canola, to get rid of RR canola(or any canola you want dead during the burnoff). No rotation restrictions, as far as I know
That's all sound so complicated. Pressed burn with 2/3eql r-up and authority. Treat with vitaflo, put peat tag team on dry seed going into the drill. 64 lbs of MESZ with the seed. 1/3 rate pursuit with select in crop if needed. I have done half rate tilt and/or releaf P with herbicide . Quilt at flowering.
furrow the liquid phos what rate generally was used with the seed? Was that the biggest difference in yield or was it the type of burn off?
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