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Exxon and Peabody Energy in lawsuit

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    Never once have I claimed to always be right. I am more than willing to listen to arguments on both sides of any issue. I have sat in on Tim Balls' talks. I have looked at and agree there are natural, and cosmic disrupters of climate change. That climate has continually changed. But I have also looked at a lot of peer reviewed science and agree that man is having an impact on climate outside the bounds of natural forces.

    We can measure how much greenhouse gasses are expelled by volcano (200 million tonnes annually). We can also estimate the greenhouse gases produced by man. (24 billion tonnes from auto/industry annually) These are published numbers. (Scientific American) Yet still people on this site falsely claim that volcanos put out more greenhouses gases than man. Totally false. Yet the same people spreading such falsehoods claim that climate change is the lie.

    Fjlip, warmer may mean greener here, but we are a tiny speck on the globe. Travel to the Gobi desert in China, or the Sahara, or even the Australian outback and you will see for yourself expansion of the deserts. The glaciers that feed the major rivers and ag irrigation around the world are melting at ever increasing rates. Even here, in western Canada, take a helicopter ride or light plane flight over BC and Alberta boreal forests and you will see mile after mile of dead trees because winters are no longer cold enough to kill the pine beetles.

    If you have proof that man is having no effect on the climate, present it rather than just calling people - including scientiests and even oil company executives -who have come to the conclusion that man does impact the environment liars.
    Last edited by dmlfarmer; Mar 2, 2017, 14:03.


      And it Should go without saying, if your OK with climate change. (or deny it altogether)

      Then you must be OK with millions of Displaced people and increased refugees that we will have to take in

      Due to severe drought in some areas and severe flooding in others.
      Last edited by mustardman; Mar 2, 2017, 14:01.


        Well said dlmfarmer and mustardman,well said


          Originally posted by mustardman View Post
          And it Should go without saying, if your OK with climate change. (or deny it altogether)

          Then you must be OK with millions of Displaced people and increased refugees that we will have to take in

          Due to severe drought in some areas and severe flooding in others.
          Severe droughts are nothing new in many parts of the world. Every weather event that happens is somehow our fault. I call BS,


            man in the dirty 30s they sure must have used a lot of fossil fuels! lol


              Originally posted by dmlfarmer View Post
              I actually feel sorry for you stonepicker. What a sad, sad world you live in. In your world most scientists lie, oil company CEOs lie, anyone believing in climate change is nothing more than a lemming. It must be really tough living in a world where if someone does not agree with you they must be wrong and you are always right.
              Same old thing, putting words in other people's mouths. I believe 100% in climate change ( always has always will ) i DON'T believe in manmade climate change. It's been proven that the scientists fudged on the data ( climate gate ) Science has always been questioned, as it should be, how else does the world find better ways? And now to throw out everything that's driven climate change as long as this earth has been here and make the ludicrous claim that itty bitty co2 is the main driver of climate change? It takes a fool to believe that! As far as refugees, what creates the majority of refugees in the world? drought floods and famine? or wars and political strife? I'll put my money on the latter. Oh ya almost forgot, i was wrong once, there was one time when i thought i was wrong, but it turned out i wasn't.


                Wow, after 9 independent inquiries by various governments and universities into the leaked "climategate" emails found no fraud, misrepresentation or conspiracy about climate change there is still someone claiming that those emails prove climate change is a hoax.


                  stonepicker there will be Wars over water in places like Africa brought on by changing climate.

                  Well expect to see you welcoming the refugees with open arms


                    6 months ago climate change was blamed for a dry 5 year period in California. North America was doomed , we would have to import most of out fruits and veggies from far away lands forever.
                    Well the rains returned , as they have over the many many decades before.
                    There is tree ring evidence of super droughts lasting hundreds of years from the SW states - long before fossil fuels .


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