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How bad are things in the Peace Country?

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    How bad are things in the Peace Country?

    I a thread this week I noticed someone talking how poor the crop looks.

    Being a Central Alberta man I have driven the whole Peace region a few time and know and appreciate how big it is.

    So how good or bad is it up there. In years gone by we have seen the canola market turn around just on the Peace Countries crop conditions.

    From Manning north things are bad. I think this will affect the canola market to a small extent. Trucking being costly ($85/hr) Oats & Barley value is eaten up in freight.

    ex. 2000 bu, 40tonne oats to Manola Value $2.00/bu = $4000 load $1360 trucking leaves $2640 to farmer 34% of your crop sale goes to trucking.

    This is why canola is king, I would guess 70% or higher of all fields are planted to Canola.


      is there any desease issues with 70% canola rotation??


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