Exasperation. This is what I feel when I hear someone say, "This is the way it is" or "This is the reality".
Are these comments always to be followed by, "and there's nothing we can do about it"?
If we never attempted to change what was unjust or unfair, we'd be back in the Middle Ages living like serfs (which we're headed for again it seems to me). We must at least make an attempt to stop the loss of farm, ranchland, wilderness, community, justice, equality, caring and sharing.
Dreams come true. Thoughts and wishes(some people term them as prayers) come true too. You know how it is with children? If you tell a kid he's a loser from day one, that's exactly what he will end up being. If you tell him every day how wonderful, kind and loved he is, he'll end up that way.
If we envision the only animals left on the planet being the ones we eat, and the few rich dominating the vast majority of poor in the world, then that will happen.
If we envision every child a wanted child, every adult an appreciated adult, and make kindness the everyday thing instead of greed, then perhaps that dream of equality, harmony and peace will come true.
If we renew a respectful relationship with the earth and remember that everything we have, we owe to the earth and its resources and NOT to human ingenuity or technology, then perhaps nature won't be so hard on us when she decides to send out the antibiotics to get rid of this current viral plague called humankind.
There are plenty of people worldwide who know that things like globalization, for example, is a hoax and a destructive, unjust form of corporate control over the world's people and resources. That is why there are the thousands of protesters that march at every WTO, FTAA, etc. summit meeting. People the world over can feel the unbalance in their bones and know that they have to stop this nonsense right now.
Optimism and humour are the grease and glue of life. Light tomorrow with today! Lets make idealism realism. Don't say "We can't".
Are these comments always to be followed by, "and there's nothing we can do about it"?
If we never attempted to change what was unjust or unfair, we'd be back in the Middle Ages living like serfs (which we're headed for again it seems to me). We must at least make an attempt to stop the loss of farm, ranchland, wilderness, community, justice, equality, caring and sharing.
Dreams come true. Thoughts and wishes(some people term them as prayers) come true too. You know how it is with children? If you tell a kid he's a loser from day one, that's exactly what he will end up being. If you tell him every day how wonderful, kind and loved he is, he'll end up that way.
If we envision the only animals left on the planet being the ones we eat, and the few rich dominating the vast majority of poor in the world, then that will happen.
If we envision every child a wanted child, every adult an appreciated adult, and make kindness the everyday thing instead of greed, then perhaps that dream of equality, harmony and peace will come true.
If we renew a respectful relationship with the earth and remember that everything we have, we owe to the earth and its resources and NOT to human ingenuity or technology, then perhaps nature won't be so hard on us when she decides to send out the antibiotics to get rid of this current viral plague called humankind.
There are plenty of people worldwide who know that things like globalization, for example, is a hoax and a destructive, unjust form of corporate control over the world's people and resources. That is why there are the thousands of protesters that march at every WTO, FTAA, etc. summit meeting. People the world over can feel the unbalance in their bones and know that they have to stop this nonsense right now.
Optimism and humour are the grease and glue of life. Light tomorrow with today! Lets make idealism realism. Don't say "We can't".