In many of the discussions I hear the comments that we wish gov't would leave us alone.
I'm not so sure of this, not that I don't want it to happen but that without some sort of gov't help many may not be able to keep farming. Right now in my area many are wanting assistance for water or to have the gov't toughen up on the fertilizer and chemical companies on what they charge.
It's nice to say we will sell our product at the door, or farmer to consumer but face facts that if we all do it the market is flooded and then what do we do?
I am tired of off farm work all day and farming at night. I am tired of diversifying and then watching my neighbors grow the same thing. At what point do we say enough is enough and leave what we love(farming) to move on?
If you were to look at my town alone there is many farmers holding jobs that should be held by somebody else. We are doing this to keep our farms instead of our farms keeping us like it used to be.
I'm not so sure of this, not that I don't want it to happen but that without some sort of gov't help many may not be able to keep farming. Right now in my area many are wanting assistance for water or to have the gov't toughen up on the fertilizer and chemical companies on what they charge.
It's nice to say we will sell our product at the door, or farmer to consumer but face facts that if we all do it the market is flooded and then what do we do?
I am tired of off farm work all day and farming at night. I am tired of diversifying and then watching my neighbors grow the same thing. At what point do we say enough is enough and leave what we love(farming) to move on?
If you were to look at my town alone there is many farmers holding jobs that should be held by somebody else. We are doing this to keep our farms instead of our farms keeping us like it used to be.