I am always amazed by the ignorance shown by some people when it comes to agriculture. How many times have you heard people complain about rich farmers whining for more government money? Or complaining about how all the farmers have new pickups?
I don't think they get it. If a farmer has assets of millions of dollars does that mean he should get a below par return on his investment(or maybe no return or maybe negative returns?). And when in reality it is mostly the federal government who has created this situation, shouldn't they pay? Who should pay for the cheap food policy? Who has it benefitted? Why should the primary producer bare the brunt of the cost?
And why shouldn't a farmer be able to drive a new truck or live in a nice home? Should he be banned from living a decent life because he collects a small pittance from the government who ****d him in the first place? The publics preception is that farmers are on the public tit big time when in fact the money they recieve from govt. is a joke!
If most people had any kind of clue about the sweetheart deals the oil industry gets they would be shocked!!! But you don't hear anyone complaining about the "excesses" in the oil patch!
Not too much whining about new trucks there!!!
I don't think they get it. If a farmer has assets of millions of dollars does that mean he should get a below par return on his investment(or maybe no return or maybe negative returns?). And when in reality it is mostly the federal government who has created this situation, shouldn't they pay? Who should pay for the cheap food policy? Who has it benefitted? Why should the primary producer bare the brunt of the cost?
And why shouldn't a farmer be able to drive a new truck or live in a nice home? Should he be banned from living a decent life because he collects a small pittance from the government who ****d him in the first place? The publics preception is that farmers are on the public tit big time when in fact the money they recieve from govt. is a joke!
If most people had any kind of clue about the sweetheart deals the oil industry gets they would be shocked!!! But you don't hear anyone complaining about the "excesses" in the oil patch!
Not too much whining about new trucks there!!!