Deb: How many wells have been contaminated down in feedlot alley? Seriously, I do not know?
And how do we go about deciding what is acceptable? Do we accept the best science around or do we go running around like Chicken Little yelling the sky is falling? While our economy stagnates. It is all well and good to be "green" when we have a comfortable income and lifestyle. But for the guy who needs to put food on the table for his kids that hog barn job might look pretty good.
Hey, I have a great idea!!! Instead of letting that lousy no good capitalist subdivide that Waterton land and build all those ugly monstrosities on it we could put one big huge mega pig barn on it...tastefully done of course? And just think how that pig manure would green up those old hills!!! I bet the elk would just love that!
And how do we go about deciding what is acceptable? Do we accept the best science around or do we go running around like Chicken Little yelling the sky is falling? While our economy stagnates. It is all well and good to be "green" when we have a comfortable income and lifestyle. But for the guy who needs to put food on the table for his kids that hog barn job might look pretty good.
Hey, I have a great idea!!! Instead of letting that lousy no good capitalist subdivide that Waterton land and build all those ugly monstrosities on it we could put one big huge mega pig barn on it...tastefully done of course? And just think how that pig manure would green up those old hills!!! I bet the elk would just love that!