I sometimes wonder what happened to our old time rural lifestyle? It seems no one has any time anymore for anything but work and running around chasing their tail!
What happened to the day when you could talk to your neighbors over the fence and catch up on all that was new? Or just spend a day building a birdhouse? Or just get out and go have a walk in the crops? I find I'm always a day behind and a dollar short! In the summer I'm just ultra busy, putting in at least a 70 hr. week. Of course only a small portion of this is on the farm. And I wonder why am I doing this? But when I consider cutting back the only sensible thing to cut is the money loser, right? And unfortunately that is the farm! But every year getting out looks better and better! I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing very noble in working for free(or paying to work!!).
What happened to the day when you could talk to your neighbors over the fence and catch up on all that was new? Or just spend a day building a birdhouse? Or just get out and go have a walk in the crops? I find I'm always a day behind and a dollar short! In the summer I'm just ultra busy, putting in at least a 70 hr. week. Of course only a small portion of this is on the farm. And I wonder why am I doing this? But when I consider cutting back the only sensible thing to cut is the money loser, right? And unfortunately that is the farm! But every year getting out looks better and better! I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing very noble in working for free(or paying to work!!).