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Changing the rules

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    Changing the rules

    Recently the county I live in decided they would change the rules regarding subdivisions and how much land you must own before you can build a house without their permission. The old policy was the first parcel out rule...on every quarter that had a homestead you were allowed th subdivide out one acreage. The original purpose of this policy was to allow the farmer to retire while still being able to live in his home. The other change is the need to get "discretionary approval" to build a residence on land under 155 acres. It used to be 80 acres. Now these changes need to go through the process to be made law but in reality are being practiced right now.
    The first case of this policy change came as quite a shock to most people in the county. A local farmer bought a half section from a widow. Now the price assumed the subdivision and sale of the farm buildings. When he was denied his subdivision application you can imagine he was a little upset!!
    Now how can this county council just change the rules, without any consultation? Lower everyones land values? What is the purpose? Well, in the background we see the hand of the provincial government...acreages play hell with mega pig barns! And even further back we see some involvement from the federal government. They are now(in partnership with the municipality) doing a study on agriculture practices in the county.
    This whole thing gets even more bizarre as this policy is limited to only 4 of the 7 divisions in the county. Do you think this could be discrimination?? There are rumblings of a court challenge. The most vocal supporting councillor got and sold three subdivisions last year! I guess he's run out of land to subdivide and doesn't want anyone else getting in on the goldmine!
    Of course there was no mention of this change during last falls elections. Seems there never is, right?
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