Now the government thinks we should all have a farm environmental plan and this will somehow make us all rich. This will solve the farm crisis and convince all the little Chinese lads they are eating environmentally safe food! I mean we would want them to be assured our pasta wheat was good enough to mix with the dog and rat meat, right? I think this is about the biggest gong show the experts have come up with yet! As far as I can see just another excuse to waste some more money. And keep some more bums on the payroll!
I mean what am I going to tell them? Yes my cows drink out of unfenced springs? Just like they've been doing for a hundred years? Just like the buffalo did before we had "experts" to let them know how wrong it was?
And yes if the thistles get bad I will spray them and if the weather looks promising I might put down some fertilzer on the hay? And horror of horrors I might even spread some manure on the pasture???
So I need some big plan for all this? Isn't it great that our federal government is now going to get all us dumb yokels up on modern practices? I just don't how we ever pioneered this country without all these little government experts!!! Must have just been dumb luck?
I mean what am I going to tell them? Yes my cows drink out of unfenced springs? Just like they've been doing for a hundred years? Just like the buffalo did before we had "experts" to let them know how wrong it was?
And yes if the thistles get bad I will spray them and if the weather looks promising I might put down some fertilzer on the hay? And horror of horrors I might even spread some manure on the pasture???
So I need some big plan for all this? Isn't it great that our federal government is now going to get all us dumb yokels up on modern practices? I just don't how we ever pioneered this country without all these little government experts!!! Must have just been dumb luck?