In central Alberta the dandelions are fierce this year! Hay fields look like a sea of yellow or white, depending on the stage they are in! If you have hay or pasture that has little or no legumes in it there is one product that stands out...GrazeOn! It will not only get this years crop of dandelions, thistle, pasture sage and absinthe but next years too! It isn't cheap($21/acre) but it sure gets the job done! And it won't hurt the grass.
I'm not sure if you can get it anywhere but Alberta, as it only became registered for use last year. I've used this product for many years on a commercial basis(Tordon 101) and have nothing but good to say about it. Makes Lontrel look like a weak sister when it comes to Canada thistle! You have to jump through a few hurtles to get it but it is well worth the effort! Hey it even works to some degree on snowberry(buck brush)!
I'm not sure if you can get it anywhere but Alberta, as it only became registered for use last year. I've used this product for many years on a commercial basis(Tordon 101) and have nothing but good to say about it. Makes Lontrel look like a weak sister when it comes to Canada thistle! You have to jump through a few hurtles to get it but it is well worth the effort! Hey it even works to some degree on snowberry(buck brush)!