Was talking to a farmer who had baled up some pretty good looking hay(alphalfa/orchard grass). Small squares, tarped and on plastic. Asked him what he thought it was worth? Said he thought he would ask $7/bale! 60 lb. bales works out to $233/ton! Said the yield was poor, only 1.3 tons so he'll only get $302/acre. Said he was hoping for a decent second cut which might make it fairly profitable! Has a fairly stable bunch of horse customers where money is not a problem! I have heard rumors of round John Deere bales selling in the $120 range. Now if that bale weighs 1100 lbs. then it is $218/ton. A modern beef cow needs about 35 lbs./day. Say for 240 days(not unreasonable this year)or 4.2 tons= $915.60! Now I suspect there isn't a cow in Alberta who will raise a calf that will do that? Sell those losers and get in on the great hay bonanza of 2002!
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