I caught David Collenette on the news the other night suggesting Canada might need a new tax on fuel so the cities could keep the roads up. Now wait a minute....isn't that what the road tax was designed for? Right now the road tax goes into general revenues and little is spent on the roads! Alberta sent over $7 billion dollars to Ottawa over the last ten years and recieved $72 million back! That works out to 1%! And now they want some more?
Lately there have been all these horror stories on the news about pollution and changing weather patterns...the solution...more gas taxes! Are they softening us up for Kyota? Or does Bombardier need some new contracts mainly because Amtrax won't buy their shoddy junk?
Lately there have been all these horror stories on the news about pollution and changing weather patterns...the solution...more gas taxes! Are they softening us up for Kyota? Or does Bombardier need some new contracts mainly because Amtrax won't buy their shoddy junk?