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    Much like the organic industry beats down conventional farming to sell its food, the homeopaths keep the anti vaccination movement alive to sell overpriced nothing cures.

    As always cotton, follow the money. This one's pretty simple.


      Holy hell CP step away from the internet for a month. You have gone from a healthy skeptic to wingnut. You are way over thinking everything. You have been a dooms day prophet for too long, even a broken clock is right twice a day


        John Stewart on Vaccines

        http://www.vox.com/2015/2/4/7977757/jon-stewart-anti-vaxxers?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_ campaign=voxdotcom&utm_content=wednesday


          I would have to dig up the study, but the vaccine causes autism debate started by a single scientific study that linked autism to vaccinations. The end result was - the study results were proven to be made up by the original researcher. He off course blames big-corporate of influences other scientist. He had to rescind the research results which is a huge black eye for a researcher. It was discussed at the Sask Farm and Food Council program in Saskatoon in December.


            Cotton - can't find the thread where you recommended the movie "The Mortal Storm, 1940" but it was a good movie to watch. Thanks.

            The majority opinion in it was kinda off a bit, wasn't it.

            Not saying it is in this case, but it makes a case for caution and critical thinking.


              Vaccines, in a sense, are becoming victims of their own success. As memories fade of the horrors of the original diseases that they prevent, more attention is being focused on possible harmful side effects. Instead of having to be concerned about millions dying from smallpox or coming down with measles or whooping cough, we worry about the possibility of vaccination being linked with some cases of autism. That suggestion was raised in 1998 by a paper published in the British medical journal The Lancet. Andrew Wakefield and twelve colleagues claimed that the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) caused a bowel disease that then caused autism.

              The report received extensive publicity and triggered public demonstrations against mandatory vaccination. Most scientists were skeptical of the Wakefield study, and their skepticism was borne out by the results of an investigation published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine. Danish researchers had examined immunization records and autism diagnoses for all children born between 1991 and 1998 and found that unvaccinated children were just as likely to be diagnosed with autism as those who had received immunizations.

              The Lancet study was further discredited when it was revealed that Wakefield had failed to disclose he had received a large grant from a group of lawyers who were looking for ammunition in a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturers. In the end, ten of Wakefield’s co-authors retracted their support for the original research, saying that in retrospect the results as reported were not valid.

              The fact is that autism commonly shows up at roughly the same age that vaccines are given, and an association can readily be mistaken for a cause-and effect relationship. But even if there really were a link between autism and vaccination, the anti-vaccine movement would still not be justified. The benefits overwhelm the risks.


                Wilagro, I agree with you. I'm old enough to remember people getting polio. It was horrible. Now the idiot crowd are saying the polio vaccine is dangerous and they won't allow their children vaccinations.

                I've heard the autism debate, and even the flu vaccine leading to the Zombie Apocalypse debate. Now, measles are killing. WTF is going on?

                Yes, feminists stand down. You old bags weren't meant to have babies. Leave that for the heifers.


                  A wingnut on a topic i have no opinion on because i don't know enough about,arguing with people who didn't even watch the documentary,all the while trying to point out farmers are being blamed in some circles on the stated problem.

                  Anyone know if there is a book for how to talk to dummies for dummies,black and yellow cover?

                  4 out of 5 doctors recommend marlbours

                  sugar is of no great concern

                  global warming is the greatest challenge facing mankind-err scratch that sir the data says we are cooling lets call it climate change

                  The term is tobacco science,can't remember if it was orwell or huxley,one of them had a phrase for it to,which i can't exactly remember how it went either.


                    Have to agree with Braveheart and Willy. I too remember Polio very well - took the lives of two older sisters of classmates of mine back in the fifties. As for bringing Thalidomide into this discussion - way out of line. How about checking for a linkage between Autism and the use of valium or prozac, eh? And speaking of Autism, had it been the flavour of the day when I was a kid, hell I think over half my classmates (myself included) were Autistic! Not putting it down by any means, but over the last 20 years or so we've seen a lot of new labels placed on kids like "gifted", "learning disabled", "bi-polar" for example. In an idle mind, the internet can be a dangerous place. Use caution! Oh yeah, I just learned I'm gluten intolerant because my farts stink...


                      What the heck is a marlbours?


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