Braveheart, you dont have to make them pay through the nose. Charge the shelf price. You are capturing the retail price. You are not overcharging or gouging. Im not sure why farmers think they are "making" people pay, when really, the people are agreeably buying the product you have presented. If they dont like the product, or price, or message they would not buy.
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Food Babe is to Ag like Jenny Mcarthy is to vaccines.
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Of course you're right hobbyfmr. When I spoke about making them pay I was resorting to a baser instinct of punishing others for how they think. That's not the win win I actually desire.
Thanks for calling me on it.
Some of the Hutterites are doing an exceptional job of producing and marketing their range of products. A colony I know and really respect in AB.
Thank you Sask3. This has been a pet reading project for me this winter. Sadly I have no answers.
My reading list has included:
Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout by Patrick Moore.
Forty Chances by Howard Buffett.
Abundance Peter Diamandis and StevenKotler
as well as some Henry Kissinger.
Some thoughts. As Sam Clements said " it's far easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled".
Also, people seem to want healthy food but will still buy fats and sugars.
If only we could take all the unscientific untruth speakers and give them a one month sabbatical in each of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa, and South America.
Also, dig deeper into the numbers regarding various renewable energies. As well as the personal views of the leaders of the anti everything groups.
Hopefully then these baby faced, creamy skinned wunderkinds can explain the real meaning of the word 'sustainable'.
Hopefully they could then better recall the Websters definition of words like organic, non-organic, and genetic modification.
And while they're at it they can bring all the heads of state in all the above mentioned countries to a successful round table on the health and future welfare of their people.
The more Big Macs sold, the less Kalashnikovs used.
Our industry is very behind the curve, governments are beginning to kowtow just 'because'. All we can do is inform? Open our doors as wide as we can?
Maybe with a little luck the public will overload on the "everything is bad" message while they're struggling to raise their kids and treat themselves to a fatty salty snack?
And hopefully Dr Oz and Food Babe etc will make enough mistakes and discredit themselves.
OMGoodness blackpowder...
I can not resist one jab. LOL
Reading Henry Kissinger and then the quote right after " it's far easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled".
Kissinger and his Nazi Bush neocons have been fooling the west for a long long time and apocalypse ( which actually means uncover, disclose, reveal) is upon them all.
I realise that your quoted statement is very true...
The food babe is referred to the fraud broad outside her circles. She effectively doesn't buy into it's the dose that makes the poison. She was on Oprah biting into a yoga mat and comparing it to Subways subs because there was a similar ingredient.
Just came across this link on GMOs and how they relate to food issues in Africa
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