Trivia questions
1) C02 makes up what percentage of our atmosphere?
A 20%
B 42%
C 11%
D 5%
E .037%
2) What percentage of C02 does man contribute to the total of C02 in the atmosphere?
A 30%
B 75%
C 3%
D 18%
E 90%
3) What is Canadas contribution to manmade C02 output?
A 30%
B 11%
C 21%
D 8%
E 2%
The answers are
E. .037% or 370 parts per million
C. Man contribution accounts for 3 percent of the total amount of C02 in the
E. Canadas contribution to the total amount of man made C02 is 2%.
When we multiply these figures we find that .03 x 370 (three percent of 370) we find that man is responsible for 11.1 parts per million of C02 in the atmosphere.
When we multiply that by the two percent that Canada contributes we get .222% or one fifth of one part per million of C02.
Keep these figures in mind when the media and eco doom mongers try to scare you into believing in man made climate change.
97% of the C02 in the atmosphere is naturally occuring.
1% is equal to 10,000 parts per million.
C02 concentrations in the atmosphere are 370 parts per million or 1/3 of 1/10th of 1%.
To put this in perspective an olympic size pool 50m x 25m x 2m deep contains about 2.5million litres of water.
Naturally occuring C02 would equal 925 litres
Of those 925 litres, man would account for 27.75 of them.
Of those 27.75 litres Canada would account for just over one half of one litre.
Or about the volume of a good long piss.
Something to think about next time you go swimming.
1) C02 makes up what percentage of our atmosphere?
A 20%
B 42%
C 11%
D 5%
E .037%
2) What percentage of C02 does man contribute to the total of C02 in the atmosphere?
A 30%
B 75%
C 3%
D 18%
E 90%
3) What is Canadas contribution to manmade C02 output?
A 30%
B 11%
C 21%
D 8%
E 2%
The answers are
E. .037% or 370 parts per million
C. Man contribution accounts for 3 percent of the total amount of C02 in the
E. Canadas contribution to the total amount of man made C02 is 2%.
When we multiply these figures we find that .03 x 370 (three percent of 370) we find that man is responsible for 11.1 parts per million of C02 in the atmosphere.
When we multiply that by the two percent that Canada contributes we get .222% or one fifth of one part per million of C02.
Keep these figures in mind when the media and eco doom mongers try to scare you into believing in man made climate change.
97% of the C02 in the atmosphere is naturally occuring.
1% is equal to 10,000 parts per million.
C02 concentrations in the atmosphere are 370 parts per million or 1/3 of 1/10th of 1%.
To put this in perspective an olympic size pool 50m x 25m x 2m deep contains about 2.5million litres of water.
Naturally occuring C02 would equal 925 litres
Of those 925 litres, man would account for 27.75 of them.
Of those 27.75 litres Canada would account for just over one half of one litre.
Or about the volume of a good long piss.
Something to think about next time you go swimming.