I don't think it was a case of over spending the opposition, it was the fact that Ed and crew ran on positive change, accomplishments over the past 14 months etc., where the opposition ran on negative ads. The Wildrose/Alliance didn't have time to mount an effective campaign, and now they have no standing due to their leader losing his seat, although that will be a definite recount.
I think Albertans liked what they saw in Ed, he isn't a loose cannon like Ralph, and he doesn't have the fatal flaws Ralph did. You will never see Eddie drunk at a homeless shelter !!!
He will have the biggest challenge of all trying to pick his cabinet. I hope we see a cabinet minister from this part of the province, McQueen in Drayton Valley/Calmar has a good shot at cabinet, much more likely than the new fellow in Yellowhead or Vanderburg in Whitecourt/Lac Ste Anne. Ty won't have a chance at cabinet but he is a good MLA, sure represents his constituents well.
I think Albertans liked what they saw in Ed, he isn't a loose cannon like Ralph, and he doesn't have the fatal flaws Ralph did. You will never see Eddie drunk at a homeless shelter !!!
He will have the biggest challenge of all trying to pick his cabinet. I hope we see a cabinet minister from this part of the province, McQueen in Drayton Valley/Calmar has a good shot at cabinet, much more likely than the new fellow in Yellowhead or Vanderburg in Whitecourt/Lac Ste Anne. Ty won't have a chance at cabinet but he is a good MLA, sure represents his constituents well.