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Methods of supplementing your income in Canada???

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    Methods of supplementing your income in Canada???

    Has anyone branched out into different methods of creating greater/supplementing their income such as renting out old barns/shed to people to work in – carpenters for example? If so would you be prepared to answer a few short questions on that to help me in a study that compares farming in the UK and Canada? I have lots of information for UK but none for Canada. This counts towards my degree at Oxford Brookes Univeristy in England so any help would REALLY be appreciated. Many Thanks!!

    But know to DO something that might get your hopes up follow the movements and meeting schedule of the Alberta Residents League.They are asking Albertan`s to unite in asserting their provincial rights.And making sure their elected representatives KNOW they are watching and waiting for action .Assertion sure has worked for Quebecers.Meanwhike we just stand around and whine.Maybe that`s all we deserve,if we won`t get off our duffs and do something.


      I thought that this forum was about Beef Production not a BEEF SESSION.


        Helen: I supposed I started branching out in a way many years ago when an oil company drilled a well on some land I owned. The company needed someone to seed the lease back to grass and fence it. They offered me the job and later paid me to keep the grass cut and the weeds sprayed. Soon I was doing all the local jobs for this small company as well as plowing the snow on their leases. I always did a very good job and kept my prices reasonable. Word soon got around and it blossomed into a very nice little business. I have made a lot of very good friends among the battery operators, field supervisors and drilling engineers.
        I also have a very large spring fed dam that I sell water out of to drilling rigs, seismic crews and pipeline testing. It is a very good little money maker and I have a fairly steady number of customers. Going the extra mile by keeping the road in well gravelled and plowed in the winter, as well as pulling the water truck out sometimes,has given me some very loyal customers. I cater to the oil companies and they have rewarded me very well.


          Well hopefully Paul Martin will turf Lyle and maybe put someone in who cares about our beef business a bit? Goodale might work? I mean he is from Saskatchewan, must know how much we're hurting, and he is a pretty strong Martin supporter? Any others who might make a new(and hopefully better) Ag minister?


            Heaven help us cowman if our only liberal representative from Saskatchewan, Ralph Goodale were the agriculture minister, it would be a travesty. He would talk about nothing and everything for years and accomplish nothing. He is a perfect example of a lawyer that couldn't make it in the real world and become a career politician. He never rocks the boat because he never does anything.


              But Carebear hasn't he done a good job with the CWB? Didn't he oversee all the reforms? Hasn't he moved the CWB toward a new and glorious future? And didn't he do all this out of a deep personal concern for the western grain farmer?


                Sorry cowman forgot about all his valuable contributions. With help like his who needs enemies!!!!!! He could be the minister of procrastination and constipation in the new cabinet.


                  Helen: I know a couple of young guys who have branched out into growing dope in an old pig barn! Apparently this is a pretty lucrative little business! Well at least they aren't on the dole!
                  It seems this is definitely a growth industry in Canada! It has become the number one industry in British Columbia outstripping both forestry and mining!
                  Our government is busy dithering about whether to decriminalize it while the courts have basically legalized it!
                  So maybe in the future we will all quit raising grain, cattle and hogs and all get in on the great dope bonanza...and won't that just make the Yankees sweat?


                    Well maybe we could get Anne MacClellen? I mean she's a Edmonton lawyer/career politician who dithers away and doesn't get anything done either! Sounds like she has solid credentials to be an Ag minister? And let's not forget that both Ralph and Anne are shameless toadies of Martin!
                    So there it is! Our great white hopes to save the west...Gee, maybe we'd better keep Lyle? At least he knows what's sticking to his boots when he crosses the pasture?


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