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    Interesting comments! As I look around our small community I can see frustration and disappointment in so many of our community members. It is starting to show up in our community affairs even more than ever before. There has always been a group within the group who 'carried the ball" and the rest followed along willingly with the result that we were a proud, aggressive little community. More and more, that is slipping away and I suspect that, like our disappearing grain elevators, will not return.
    I'd be dishonest if I did'nt say I think about getting out of this game darn near daily and going to where folks make a regular paycheck and have all the good things and a whole lot less worries!
    I also am beginning to think that this next provincial election in Alberta (whenever that may be) may be the first time that I vote against the Conservatives....now who I'll vote for is a darned good question!

    If there is a good thing in all this, it may be that we are realizing the mood that is developing and perhaps we can figure out how to counterbalance it.

    Navena: I sometimes have thought of how nice it would be to chuck it all and move out to the coast. Unfortunately I have found that about a week away is all I can stand. After that I get pretty antsy to get home and see how everything is going. I guess I'm just cut out to be a peasant rooted in one spot, so I've got to make the best of a bad situation. One thing that really bothers me is that all my neighbors seem to be either quitting or dying!
    I don't vote Conservative but it is getting harder and harder to find anyone else to vote for! Liberals and NDP are non-starters for me so all that is left are the radicals! Sure wish there was a strong separatist party(that weren't crazies)!


      I have a friend who has always run his own business and had long been politcaly active. But he quit the politics part of his life. And this is what he said, " I feel alot better, now that I don't care anymore". Pity


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