It seems that no branch of agriculture is making any money. Cattle, hogs, grain. Everyone plowing along but not making anything! Grain prices are not all that great and the costs seem to be rising all the time. How come everything seems to be going up, including food, but the producer is left with less and less?
What happens when it actually costs more to grow a crop than what you get for it? Which is happening right now in the cow/calf business and not far off it with hogs? How long can the Canadian farmer operate subsidizing the food of Canadians? Has farming become an unviable business? When you put in so much work and capital shouldn't you expect to recieve more than a kid working at MacDonalds?
What happens when it actually costs more to grow a crop than what you get for it? Which is happening right now in the cow/calf business and not far off it with hogs? How long can the Canadian farmer operate subsidizing the food of Canadians? Has farming become an unviable business? When you put in so much work and capital shouldn't you expect to recieve more than a kid working at MacDonalds?