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Surgery waiting list

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    Surgery waiting list

    Will the Alberta Government's surgery waiting list which is viewable on the Alberta Health web site be of any use to rural Albertans? Will this be another money waster with no real value?
    Is this just another PR ploy so that we will just accept that waiting times are normal and we should not ask that services be expanded or improved?

    I have come to believe the best thing you can do, if you want to remain healthy, is avoid the doctor as much as possible! If at all possible don't let those butchers get a knife in you!
    Last year I got very sick with a very rare condition that affects the throat. Not cancer but acts the same way. By the time I got into the specialist it was a month and a half later and I'd lost thirty pounds and looked like death warmed over. Well he was all for cutting...I wasn't too keen on it! He put me on some medication that made me sick as a dog while he could find the time to start carving! Finally in desperation I tossed the pills and went to a herbalist. Guess what? I started to feel better. I started to eat again and keep it down. I told the specialist there would be no surgery...he was disappointed and said my chances were slim! I guess he must have had a payment due on the yacht or something!
    Anyway about six months later I went in for my "scope". Before I went under he gave me a big lecture about "quack medicine". When I came to he reluctantly agreed I was vastly improved but to make sure I was back in six months for another "scope". Well I got an infection from that "scope" treatment and have decided to hell with that! As far as I'm concerned they should close down all those pest holes they call hospitals and send all those butchers they call doctors down to work at Cargill! I won't be going back!


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