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Hog Farmer blues!

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    Hog Farmer blues!

    My neighbor(a hog farmer) was telling me the hog business is not all that rosy. Market hogs are down to $1.12/kg. and he can't make any money at that rate. The local packer is apparently putting the squeeze on by breaking their contracts and messing with the grades. Come Jan.1 they will not accept any pigs from any barn that doesn't have a quality assurance program in place. He says there are a whole lot of barns going to shut down at that time.
    This farmer stopped breeding sows Oct.1 He intends to phase out and quit. Two employees will lose their good paying jobs($3,000/month plus benifits). One more good feed grain market gone from the area.
    He tried to sell but there are no buyers. This is not some old run down wreck of a place but a very modern 500 farrow to finish operation. He does intend to keep growing grain and hay for the horse and export market.
    What happened to this industry that was such a powerhouse?
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