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Green houses?

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    Green houses?

    I've always had a small greenhouse that I use to start my tomatoes, peppers and basil in. Actually have some cayenne peppers still producing in it. It is sort of crude, just made out of 2x4s and that clear corrugated roofing sheets. The roof cap raises up to allow ventilation when it gets too hot. I heat it with a small electric heater which is pretty inefficient to say the least.
    Anyway I am considering building a little better/little bigger one or maybe buying one. Is there anyplace that sells a kit in the 10x20 type range? I intend to heat it with a gas hot water type heater.

    I have just been calculating the 'Alberta Advantage' regarding the cull cow program. For 100 cow herd at $180 for 8 cows and 1.8 bulls $336 we would get $1245, less than 1/6th of their value last year. This won't buy a whole lot of groceries, or pay much toward utillities and taxes.


      Personally I think it is quite generous
      afterall we might have got nothing. The sum mentioned above for a 100 cow herd would buy 3lbs a day of wheatshort pellets for the same 100 cows for 2 months - quite a nice little top up to limited forage supplies. Lets not get into the position of begging for more aid as the politicians would then think they really controlled us.


        That twelve hundred dollars looks pretty good to us in manitoba. It doesn't look like we are going to get any help. I'm starting to get tired of all these band aid solutions the provincal and federal governments are handing out. I know out of all these millions of dollars that are pledged I sure haven't got any of it. Yet when you talk to those city cousins they think that we are rolling in dough.


          Well I decided to take the $180 and forget the "historical average deal". I faxed up the info from the forms I got on the interenet and some lady phoned about 15 minutes later acknowledging they'd got my fax and the money should be here in about two weeks.
          It might not be a whole lot of money but it will buy me some new corral panels or something.


            I guess I spoke too quick, I see manitoba is giving us 100 bucks on 8 percent.


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