This thread has been started in response to ongoing debate about COVID-19 that was taking place in the Commodity Marketing category on this site.
Based on user feedback, we have decided these posts are inappropriate on the Commodity Marketing Thread and thus we have started this COVID-19 Thread in the Rural Issues category.
Please note, that while we support Free Speech, we will not tolerate any negative or threatening comments towards individuals on this chat, or any Agriville Chat. The image below captures some of the COVID-19 posts that had previously been made on the Commodity Marketing Thread about COVID.
Based on user feedback, we have decided these posts are inappropriate on the Commodity Marketing Thread and thus we have started this COVID-19 Thread in the Rural Issues category.
Please note, that while we support Free Speech, we will not tolerate any negative or threatening comments towards individuals on this chat, or any Agriville Chat. The image below captures some of the COVID-19 posts that had previously been made on the Commodity Marketing Thread about COVID.