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Moe Declares Sask Carbon Negative

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    Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
    So Jazz and other flat earthers, does it look like we are currently in a period of the lowest CO2 levels in history? Nope!
    Geez, last time I checked the earth is 4B yrs old.

    Check out what CO2 was about 10M yrs ago.

    Some scientist you are.


      Originally posted by jazz View Post
      Geez, last time I checked the earth is 4B yrs old.

      Check out what CO2 was about 10M yrs ago.

      Some scientist you are.
      I was about to post the same. talk about cherry picking.

      The 400,000 year glacial era in the chart above represents. 0.008% of earths history.

      And this is coming from the poster who likes to chastise other posters for basing their covid informationon too small of a sample size.

      Clueless, and willfully ignorant, not sure which is worse.


        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
        Lots of nice pictures of the carbon sinks but you forgot to add a picture of the carbon cycle.

        Carbon is captured and released in a cycle that was mostly stable for thousands of years until humans starting clearing forests and grasslands and burning fossil fuels on a large scale.

        And it doesn't really matter whether Saskatchewan is a net carbon sink, which it is not, unless you think the natural carbon sink suddenly stopped releasing carbon!

        Carbon knows no boundaries and is increasing rapidly in the atmosphere. We were stable at 280 ppm of carbon dioxide about 200-300 years ago and now we are at over 400 ppm. Where did all that extra carbon come from? Burning fossil energy sources and changes to the landscape.

        Most of the carbon captured by annual crop agriculture is in the top few inches of the soil and decomposes rapidly releasing carbon. Other wise there would be a large increase in organic matter and residues on the surface which there isn't in annual cropping. Most farmers don't want large amounts of residues on the surface otherwise they can't seed through it without a disc opener.

        And when farmers clear or bulldoze all the trees and drain the wetlands they release a tremendous amount of carbon.

        You get the award for that one Chuck.
        Click image for larger version

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          So Chuck are you leaving all the trees grow back on your fields? Left all the pot holes and low spots grow trees? Have you stopped using diesel and gasoline to move around? No gas or propane or heating oil being used?
          Lecture us while you do the same as us!


            Some graphs for CC to CHOKE on...I have more too!

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              WE ALL LOVE/need/for all life on earth...C02!

              More is better, LESS is death! Except for Russia we are the COLDEST, least populated per sq mile on EARTH!

              Click image for larger version

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              Click image for larger version

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              Last edited by fjlip; Dec 6, 2022, 14:27.


                Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                I was about to post the same. talk about cherry picking.

                The 400,000 year glacial era in the chart above represents. 0.008% of earths history.

                And this is coming from the poster who likes to chastise other posters for basing their covid informationon too small of a sample size.

                Clueless, and willfully ignorant, not sure which is worse.
                You guys using Scotty Moe's math method or what?

                The chart covers over 800,000 years during which CO2 levels were consistently well below 300ppm. Now they are at 420ppm and have been above 300 since about 1950.

                But you are still sure like Jazz, that the current levels of CO2 are the lowest in history? Huh? LOL

                You don't need to go back millions of years in earth's history to measure human caused climate change. Its hardly relativant when modern humans have origins only 200,000 years ago and only had small impacts until the last 300 years.

                But flat earthers don't have any good arguments to prove human caused climate change isn't real, so they have to make up lame ones.
                Last edited by chuckChuck; Dec 6, 2022, 14:47.


                  Aw, so busy typing, now answer the above charts.


                    Chuck put your farm into trees and go to China and spread your BS there. We in Canada are insignificant in production of CO2


                      Originally posted by AlbertaFarmer5 View Post
                      I was about to post the same. talk about cherry picking.

                      The 400,000 year glacial era in the chart above represents. 0.008% of earths history.

                      And this is coming from the poster who likes to chastise other posters for basing their covid informationon too small of a sample size.

                      Clueless, and willfully ignorant, not sure which is worse.

                      For sure I would trust government-paid “researchers”, Right! I know they would be ever so willing to post results against the propagandists. Hmmm
                      Last edited by sumdumguy; Dec 6, 2022, 17:22.


                        Originally posted by chuckChuck View Post
                        You guys using Scotty Moe's math method or what?

                        The chart covers over 800,000 years during which CO2 levels were consistently well below 300ppm. Now they are at 420ppm and have been above 300 since about 1950.

                        But you are still sure like Jazz, that the current levels of CO2 are the lowest in history? Huh? LOL

                        You don't need to go back millions of years in earth's history to measure human caused climate change. Its hardly relativant when modern humans have origins only 200,000 years ago and only had small impacts until the last 300 years.

                        But flat earthers don't have any good arguments to prove human caused climate change isn't real, so they have to make up lame ones.
                        I stand corrected, the text says 400,000, the chart says 800,000. Which makes all the difference. If geological time were represented by a 24 hour day, instead of being ~8 seconds out of a 24 hour day, it is ~17 seconds. Meanwhile, Chuck ignores the other 86383 seconds in the day.


                          And, if the EU can arbitrarily declare natural gas and nuclear to suddenly be green energy, after vilifying them for years, why can't any jurisdiction declare themselves carbon negative such as Sask just did.

                          Not to mention, claiming biomass from clearcut forests shipped from half way around the world is "green energy".

                          After all, it is all imaginary solutions to an imaginary problem.

                          Last edited by AlbertaFarmer5; Dec 6, 2022, 18:20.


                            The ever changing goal posts in a climate cult world .


                              Although leading by example is a fine thing, it is useless if no one follows you.
                              It does not sit well with a man to be constantly vilified and reproached. And yet here we are under a constant barrage of chicken shit.
                              I'm proud of what we have done and are doing with this land knowing it won't stay this way forever.
                              One thing I see as cowardly is the constant blind attack on the resident hands that feed us while ignoring the majority on this planet who won't change their ways until catastrophe forces them to.
                              We have no jurisdiction in the Amazon or Russia but that hasn't stopped foreign crusaders from influencing domestic affairs here. The greatest traitors are those who point all fingers inward and don't speak of the environmental issues abroad.
                              How many Canadian tax dollars, or acres, can compensate the planet for the loss of the Amazon?
                              Weakening our nation at every turn, Whether or Not the Cause is Right, does nothing more than hasten the loss of our sovereignty. You can bet our new masters will extract what they see fit, how they see fit. And then you will have no say at all.
                              Completely tragic that this basic truth is lost on the traitors at the helm today.
                              If the Agriville demographic is anywhere near representative, we have a frightening percentage of blinded traitors in this nation. This will ultimately not end well.
                              Sometimes it sounds as if sovereignty is no longer deserved.


                                Maggie Thatcher said it this way;

                                "When the state does everything for you, it will soon take everything from you - you will then have no basis for personal freedom, political freedom, or economic freedom.


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